GitHub. Git going, and Git stuff done!
Updated May 25, 2016

GitHub. Git going, and Git stuff done!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with GitHub

Currently, I'm quite new to using GitHub to host my own content. Previously (in the past year), I had been using GitHub to read sourcecode from other projects I was involved in (Mozilla FireFox OS, mainly), comment, file bug reports, and download source/releases to compile and run code developed by the fantastic and varied Open Source development community.

For my own use, I have a GitHub where I interact with a developer whose Python library I'm making use of.


  • Trusted platform for sharing code
  • Trusted platform for sharing compiled binary releases, especially in the wake of the particularly nasty things SourceForge was doing to installers/projects.
  • Great versioning controls
  • Great viewer for code, changes, etc.
  • Really solid platform for interacting with developers/users.


  • Better syntax highlighting (like PasteBin!) needed.
  • Easier/more consistent placement of releases on each page for users who may not be as savvy is much needed.
  • Downloading a particular file from the source tree is cumbersome and it is almost always easier to download a zip of the entire branch. Not ideal.
  • GitHub has allowed me fast iterations on my code by providing excellent versioning and sharing tools.
  • GitHub has given me access to a wide pool of very talented and trusted developers, who produce a ton of really useful FOSS.
  • In the wake of the fallout of SourceForge, GitHub has taken up the mantle of the ultimate repository for FOSS code, and the community is all the better off for it.
SourceForge has been adulterating binaries and installers, bundling crapware/adware. These practices are incredibly questionable at best, and in my mind, nothing from the site is to be trusted anymore.
If you need to collaborate on code, in my mind, there is no alternative.


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