Comments on InfoSec
June 16, 2022
Comments on InfoSec

Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Infosec Skills
We are using Infosec Skills for awareness creation on information security for our employees. Our Company is suffering challenges on a lack of cyber security awareness. We are aggressively working on it using Infosec Skills. We are in good progress to improve the awareness of our employees on Information Security. Thanks to Infosec Skills.
- Ease to understand
- Well organized
- Knowledge Sharing
- Lab delay
- The Lab did not resume from the paused.
- Should have discount for students.
Do you think Infosec Skills delivers good value for the price?
Are you happy with Infosec Skills's feature set?
Did Infosec Skills live up to sales and marketing promises?
Did implementation of Infosec Skills go as expected?
Would you buy Infosec Skills again?
- Earn certificates
- Develop skills
- Increase career
Infosec is the best fit for me.
Using Infosec Skills
5 - Information System Security
5 - Cyber Security Skills
Self Motivated
Fast learners
Self Motivated
Fast learners
- Handling User Access Management
- Comply to Password Policy
- Implementation of IT Security Policu
- Assess the employees' awareness level
- follow-up the progress
- Accuracy
- Developing soft skill
- Empowering employees
- Seek best practices
Evaluating Infosec Skills and Competitors
Yes - Knowbe4
- Price
- Product Features
- Product Usability
- Product Reputation
- Prior Experience with the Product
Product Features, It has all in one which is very crucial for an organization to centralize and monitor critical assets
Product features are my measurement.
Infosec Skills Implementation
- Implemented in-house
Change management was a big part of the implementation and was well-handled
- The implementation was successful.
Infosec Skills Training
Configuring Infosec Skills
I have no recommendation, but keep it up.
Yes - we have customized the interface extensively
Some - we have added small pieces of custom code
No customization
Infosec Skills Support
Pros | Cons |
Quick Resolution Knowledgeable team Problems get solved Kept well informed No escalation required Immediate help available Support understands my problem Support cares about my success Quick Initial Response | None |
Not yet
Yeah, It provides awareness level self-assessment.
Using Infosec Skills
Pros | Cons |
Like to use Relatively simple Easy to use Technical support not required Well integrated Consistent Quick to learn Convenient Familiar | Feel nervous using |
- Everything
- Nothing cumbersome
Infosec Skills Reliability
Integrating Infosec Skills
- Knowledge transfer system
- SIEM solution
- File import/export
- Javascript widgets
It is a piece of cake to integrate your system with Infosec Skills.
Relationship with Infosec
To finish as planned
Upgrading Infosec Skills
- Performance
- More user friendly interface
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