Why LogMeIn Rescue solves Help Desk issues quickly and effectively!
February 02, 2014

Why LogMeIn Rescue solves Help Desk issues quickly and effectively!

Jason Segale | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Modules Used

  • LogMeInRescue Administration Console

Overall Satisfaction

At WTS we use the LogMeIn Rescue tool to assist our clients remotely and resolve issues that increase not only our clients productivity but our productivity as well. It is a very well laid out platform for performing emergency and critical support services for both Server and Workstation levels. It provides us and the client peace of mind as the connections are established via encrypted sessions and really stands out with customizable features for rebranding, calling cards, unattended access and more. This is a tool for seeing and working in a fashion that allows the technician to see inside the system in a simple graphical and data centric way that cuts through issues quickly and definitely is highly recommended by WTS for any Service Management need internally or externally of the business organization or managed service provider. A+++


  • Rebranding and Customizable features to truly make this your platform
  • Intuitive Design and Simple Data Feeds with pertinent information
  • Unattended access controls that can be revoked by users as needed
  • Web based version is identical to Software installed version


  • There is no easily identifiable buttons for accessing the Computers section
  • The pull down menu bar sometimes interferes with the session windows if the size of the remote screen is smaller than 1024x768
  • Mac User support is not at the same level as the PC side
  • We have noticed an overall increase in our productivity and are able to provide support to multiple clients at the same time.
  • Client users are generally able to follow along as we use the in-session chat windows to communicate.
  • The File transfer feature is a solid way to deliver patches and other support tools to speed things along very easily
  • Manage Engine,N-Able
First reason....the price!! The LogMeIn Rescue platform is substantially cheaper than the competition. Second reason is the ability to monitor the technician sessions live and record these for review later on. This is useful for keeping the technicians performance rating high and doubles as a solid training mechanism. Third reason is simplicity of use and the quality of the product to perform consistently without interfering with the clients system ever!
This is a solid product with the idea of getting a technician the data and interface in order to resolve issues for all types of computer support needs and levels via simple tools in a consistent manner. Would recommend this product to anyone looking to provide solutions to Help Desk access concerns and much more.
The interface is quite good but you have to back out of the desktop area to gain access to the additional support features...would be a major improvement to have them as modules that overlay the desktop mode area. Having to duck in and out is cumbersome at times and requires the technician to have to recall from memory or go back and retrieve the information then back again.


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