Great Product with Powerful Functionality
Overall Satisfaction with Marketo
Marketo is used for global marketing automation: demand generation, lead management, lead engagement and nurturing, web activity tracking, scoring, organizing lead life cycling, segmentation, campaign management and many other use cases. It allows for setting up the entire marketing machine in all its variety and complexity, and provides a world-class solution for challenges of today's marketing.
- Lead Management - very flexible and powerful platform for organizing, prioritizing, tracking leads in their buyer's journey; enriching, standardizing and cleansing data; handing off leads from marketing to sales.
- Multi-Channel Marketing - all marketing efforts to get orchestrated, planned and executed easily; organizing the entire marketing environment and making it working for you.
- Engagement and Nurturing - setting up multi-touch campaigns with targeted messaging to be delivered at the right time. Capability to vary content based on personas, demonstrated buying signals, progressing through the sales funnel, etc.
- There are some small features here and there that would make a Marketo user's life easier, but most of the important ones are on the road map.
- Upsell
- Cross-Sell
- Lead Management
- Prospecting / New Business
- Other
Goals are diverse: increase revenue with existing customers, getting net new customers - in existing markets and in new ones.
Marketo is much more powerful and flexible, serves enterprise marketing.
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