Small Business's Monday Review
May 17, 2021

Small Business's Monday Review

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with

  • Time savings
  • Easy project management
  • Increased employee retention
  • Increased employee productivity
In our organization, Monday is being used to organize, schedule, manage, and maintain all of our daily projects, even the ones that are minor. We thoroughly enjoy every part of using Monday, especially the ability to time-track everything! It has been a fantastic asset for managing our small business projects.
  • Time tracking
  • Aesthetic and easy-to-use interface
  • Filtering system
  • Assigning projects to individuals groups
  • Integrity and privacy
  • There are lots of different features on each page which can cause clutter
As someone who struggles with understanding new applications quickly, Monday's simple interface made it easier for me to comprehend its features in a much simpler manner than others! Its usability surpasses most other work-life applications that can prove difficult just by logging into it. Monday has developed a platform that is user-friendly and adaptable to many types of businesses that have many types of employees, ranging from technologically experienced to still learning about modern processes!
I personally have never had an experience with Monday's customer service, though other employees in my business have contacted them over minor issues. Monday's customer service responded accordingly, with kindness and patience for the problem we were facing with its interface. They were able to thoroughly explain each step we needed to take in order to resolve our problems with its time tracking feature, which we now absolutely adore.
Monday's performance regarding its design for features or its reliability has been fantastic. We have never experienced downtime from Monday, nor any issues that have diminished our team's productivity. In fact, Monday has significantly aided our teams in boosting employee retention and collaboration!

Do you think delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with's feature set?


Did live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of go as expected?

I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy again?


In our daily work life, our small business organizes each day with different tasks through Monday with time-tracking features. This time tracker gives us insight into how we've performed during the week and shows us areas in which we can improve. This platform is well suited for businesses that are looking to expand their applications and discover one that is customizable, user-friendly, and designed cleanly. One of the less appropriate features to mention I believe is the lack of a reminder if you've kept your work time running when you have moved onto another project or even signed off from work for the day. Feature Ratings

Task Management
Resource Management
Gantt Charts
Not Rated
Workflow Automation
Team Collaboration
Support for Agile Methodology
Mobile Access
Timesheet Tracking
Change request and Case Management
Not Rated
Project & financial reporting
Integration with accounting software