Conga Composer is a document generation and automation tool designed to simplify and streamline the process of creating and distributing customized documents, presentations, and reports.
Conga Composer integrates with any data source, including CRM systems like Salesforce, and allows users to dynamically merge data from these sources into templates to generate personalized documents.
per month per user
Windward Core
Score 9.1 out of 10
Mid-Size Companies (51-1,000 employees)
Windward’s low-code document generation solution embeds into any application, enabling users to populate data-smart documents within the familiar landscape of Microsoft Office. It's a solution from PDFTron since the April 2021 acquisition.
per month
Conga Composer
Windward Core
Editions & Modules
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Windward Hub Standard
Per User, Per Month (10 user minimum)*
Windward Hub Premium
Per User, Per Month (10 user minimum)*
Windward Core Pro
per month*
Windward Core Flex
per month*
Windward Hub Enterprise
Custom Pricing
Pricing Offerings
Conga Composer
Windward Core
Free Trial
Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup Fee
No setup fee
Additional Details
*Pay annually: 15% discount
10% discount for quarterly payment of Windward Core.
I'm early in my Conga Composer journey but, even in my limited experience, there is nothing it can't handle (within reason) and the sky's the limit. I have found it rather difficult to learn (most queries) as I'm learning on my own with the Conga Learning Center and YouTube videos.
Great for Technical Users. It's great for people a bit more on the technical side. It allows developers to quickly create and modify reporting templates without having to modify source code or make updates to a repository. Potentially Difficult for Non-Technical Users. Making substantial changes to the data portions of reporting can be a bit difficult for non-technical users. While Windward's tools for this are great, it still requires an understanding of the database schema which not all users will have.
Native Office output -- not nested tables and/or horrible RTF like other tools generate.
Ease of use -- once the data sources are set up, creating tables is as simple as drag and drop (okay, maybe not exactly that simple, but you can certainly create a table of data using drag and drop, then format it and manipulate it as needed).
Responsive developers and support -- when I've had questions, they've been addressed VERY quickly and professionally.
Though I love how easily Conga Composer ties into Salesforce and its given analytics, it takes a lot of data entry to get up and running. I don't love that sometimes queries can take a long time to pull. I like keeping our marketing templates consistent via templates in the system. Pulling multiple objects into one report is fantastic too.
It's a fairly simple tool to integrate into your current business structure. When we've had issues, we were able to resolve them extremely quickly. The users click a button and it can bring in all the quote lines, and our credit application seamlessly into our tool. I'd definitely recommend it to other colleagues
For the most part, the Windward report designer is intuitive for our users; but there are a few areas where it is less intuitive. In these cases, our users need to search Windwards support wiki site, or even contact their support technicians. This can also be due to the short time we've had Windward and our lack of knowledge.
It's been hit and miss depending on the issue. We use javascript to generate the urls which has confused many techs even though it generates a clean url - they are overwhelmed by the concept of code and can't understand that the url is all that matters.
Support is something they take pride in. Once an issue is raised, they are quick to respond and provide details on a fix. No complaints on support here.
I think Nintex is the primary competitor for Conga Composer, but I have not personally used it. I was not present for the decision to purchase Conga but I would recommend it in future document automation vendor selection processes because I have seen how well it works! We are especially fond of complementary features in Conga Composer, including Conga Email Templates and Conga Global Merge.
We evaluated several other products to integrate with our new software, but Windward Studios was an obvious standout above the majority. Other applications required some level of software development knowledge and experience to create templates and a much steeper learning curve. After consideration of ease of use, as well as a cost-comparison between different products, Windward Studios was the most suitable product to meet our needs.