Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows users to create and share documents containing live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. Uses include: data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, data visualization, and machine learning. It supports over 40 programming languages, and notebooks can be shared with others using email, Dropbox, GitHub and the Jupyter Notebook Viewer. It is used with JupyterLab, a web-based IDE for…
Score 9.0 out of 10
PyCharm is an extensive Integrated
Development Environment (IDE) for Python developers. Its
arsenal includes intelligent code completion, error detection, and rapid
problem-solving features, all of which aim to bolster efficiency. The product supports programmers in composing orderly and maintainable
code by offering PEP8 checks, testing assistance, intelligent refactorings, and
inspections. Moreover, it caters to web development frameworks like Django and
Flask by providing framework…
With Jupyter Notebook besides doing data analysis and performing complex visualizations you can also write machine learning algorithms with a long list of libraries that it supports. You can make better predictions, observations etc. with it which can help you achieve better …
I have used PyCharm as well as Jupyter Notebook and for me, Jupyter wins almost every time. I really like its user-friend interface for someone who is new to python programming. The ability to run a big chunk of code part by part is a big game-changer for me. One thing I would …
As a beginner I tried all of them but finally due to simple and user friendly interface I opted it. I also tried visual basic which is also good platform with versatility, however for basic need it is the best.
Jupyter is very easy to understand and easy to use. And can also be used by a student, freelancer, small industries, big industries. Jupyter also provides you a tool to work with machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Verified User
Team Lead
Chose Jupyter Notebook
Negligible or no cost, Highly efficient, effective, scalable , hasslefree
Jupyter Notebook is very attractive platform for new developers to code and to learn programming and perform tasks as compared to other IDE. It has very well and easy visualization, interactive programming and sharing the live code and slideshow is very easy as compare to …
Jupyter is still the most well known and widely used platform I've seen. Using it over other competition like Zeppelin simply because of its availability, and my familiarity with its functionality.
Well, so far Jupyter Notebook has been the better tool for me. It gives us more freedom & has more ability to train ML models & do the data visualization more efficiently. It's easier to operate & has a very simple-to-understand UI & with the support for taking data from …
It should have cleaner support for multi-environment setup and should also increase the amount of features. Moreover, more support should be present for other programming languages. It should also have the option to set a specific location that opens up whenever I run command …
Jupyter Notebook is the core feature extended on by many commercial alternatives. The commercial alternatives have more feature integration with the rest of their portfolio. RStudio is another competitor for interactive and literate programming.
I like Jupyter Notebook over the other two because it keeps my work more organized. It helps me to structure my workflow and the ability to run commands in chunks keeps me from being confused when coming back to the work after some time.
It is more complete and can handle more projects at the same time. On the other hand, Visual Studio Code has better integration with LMS to help you code. PyCharm allows you to integrate with many external tools and external servers that Visual Studio Code has difficulties with.
First of all, PyCharm is easy to install for beginners whose parent organization is JetBrains. It can be installed on any operating system with ease. It provides Python Django Framework for FrontEnd Developers which others do not provide. The UI is also simpler as compared to …
Verified User
Chose PyCharm
I preferred PyCharm because of its debugging capabilities, plus it has a built-in git versioning tool that helps teams to collaborate. I like the UI of this IDE, and it makes development very simple and enjoyable. PyCharm has helped in reducing development time because of its …
I've created a number of daisy chain notebooks for different workflows, and every time, I create my workflows with other users in mind. Jupiter Notebook makes it very easy for me to outline my thought process in as granular a way as I want without using innumerable small. inline comments.
PyCharm is well suited to developing and deploying Python applications in the cloud using Kubernetes or serverless pipelines. The integration with GitLab is great; merges and rebates are easily done and help the developer move quickly. The search engine that allows you to search inside your code is also great. It is less appropriate for other languages.
Git integration is really essential as it allows anyone to visually see the local and remote changes, compare revisions without the need for complex commands.
Complex debugging tools are basked into the IDE. Controls like break on exception are sometimes very helpful to identify errors quickly.
Multiple runtimes - Python, Flask, Django, Docker are native the to IDE. This makes development and debugging and even more seamless.
Integrates with Jupyter and Markdown files as well. Side by side rendering and editing makes it simple to develop such files.
Need more Hotkeys for creating a beautiful notebook. Sometimes we need to download other plugins which messes [with] its default settings.
Not as powerful as IDE, which sometimes makes [the] job difficult and allows duplicate code as it get confusing when the number of lines increases. Need a feature where [an] error comes if duplicate code is found or [if a] developer tries the same function name.
The biggest complaint I have about PyCharm is that it can use a lot of RAM which slows down the computer / IDE. I use the paid version, and have otherwise found nothing to complain about the interface, utility, and capabilities.
Jupyter is highly simplistic. It took me about 5 mins to install and create my first "hello world" without having to look for help. The UI has minimalist options and is quite intuitive for anyone to become a pro in no time. The lightweight nature makes it even more likeable.
It's pretty easy to use, but if it's your first time using it, you need time to adapt. Nevertheless, it has a lot of options, and everything is pretty easy to find. The console has a lot of advantages and lets you accelerate your development from the first day.
I rate 10/10 because I have never needed a direct customer support from the JetBrains so far. Whenever and for whatever kind of problems I came across, I have been able to resolve it within the internet community, simply by Googling because turns out most of the time, it was me who lacked the proper information to use the IDE or simply make the proper configuration. I have never came across a bug in PyCharm either so it deserves 10/10 for overall support
With Jupyter Notebook besides doing data analysis and performing complex visualizations you can also write machine learning algorithms with a long list of libraries that it supports. You can make better predictions, observations etc. with it which can help you achieve better business decisions and save cost to the company. It stacks up better as we know Python is more widely used than R in the industry and can be learnt easily. Unlike PyCharm jupyter notebooks can be used to make documentations and exported in a variety of formats.
When it comes to development and debugging PyCharm is better than Spyder as it provides good debugging support and top-quality code completion suggestions. Compared to Jupiter notebook it's easy to install required packages in PyCharm, also PyChram is a good option when we want to write production-grade code because it provides required suggestions.