Good Product, room for improvement in both Pricing/Support
November 22, 2020
Good Product, room for improvement in both Pricing/Support

Score 4 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Modules Used
- AvaTax
- Returns
Overall Satisfaction with Avalara
We use Avatax for our retail business; we utilize their API via our own tax service within checkout on our website and in our retail POS, as well as the NetSuite Connecter within NetSuite ERP. We also just implemented Streamlined Sales Tax through them. The Avatax service functions fairly well although we do experience some occasional hiccups. We also use Avalara to file monthly returns.
- Automated & up-to-date sales tax calculation
- Able to integrate via API through our own services & integrates with NetSuite ERP
- Eases the process of filing returns
- Expensive - pricing outgrows your own business growth
- Pricing model is highly convoluted
- Often unhelpful generic support - not able to help with integration challenges
- Unexplained service outages or hiccups
- positive - time spent calculating rates and filing tax returns
- negative - tax calculation inconsistencies and need for manual tax balancing
- Our own tax service via Avatax API
- NetSuite via NS Connector
In both cases, initial setup was straightforward but troubleshooting issues is a challenge.
- Avalara Returns
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