Axure Review
Overall Satisfaction with Axure
I use Axure to turn my sketches and ideas into functional designs through wireframes, which stakeholders can review and developers can work from.
- High fidelity - they look almost like mock ups.
- Interactive - people can see almost exactly what effect an action can have.
- Easy for developers to use and follow.
- It takes a little bit of a ramp up to understand how to create dependancies and interactions.
- It's not easy to share wireframes between team mates who all need to work collaboratively.
- It's hard to notate when you're recording feedback. It would be nice if people could "mark up" your wireframe without committing changes instead of just adding comments in the general discussion section.
- It makes communicating with developers a lot easier and requires a lot less spec documentation.
- It makes communicating with stakeholders a lot easier because they don't need to imagine what a product will look like, they can see and play with it immediately.
- It makes user testing very easy - testers can play with nearly real versions of your product without development effort.
I've used Balsamiq and Adobe Illustrator. Illustrator is not helpful for wireframes because it's basically the same as a sketch with straighter lines. Balsamic is helpful but it doesn't have as much functionality built in, so you can only communicate so much. Its also hard for non-technical stake holders to visualize the final product from those lower fidelity pages.
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