Conversica's Delivering Results
January 27, 2017

Conversica's Delivering Results

Mike White | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Conversica

We're currently using Conversica on our demand gen team and have seen outstanding results so far. Rather than wait for all leads to MQL, we've been able to leverage Conversica for a variety of campaigns to accelerate the time it takes qualified leads to reach sales.
  • Customer Service - We have both a customer success rep and technical rep assigned to our account, and they're incredibly helpful and responsive
  • Lead Acceleration - By utilizing Conversica, we're able to identify hand raisers and immediately pass them to our sales team, rather than waiting for all leads to MQL
  • Flexibility - Whatever the use case, the Conversica team is very open to testing new conversations
  • The conversation parameters (character limits, etc.) can occasionally be limiting, however the team does a great job of taking our ideal conversation and making it work
  • Faster lead conversion
  • Increased number of appointments/opportunties
Conversica is ideal for leads that have shown some interest in your brand/product (downloaded content, etc.), however not enough that you'd want them to be followed up with immediately by a sales rep (contact us, demo request, etc.). It's less ideal for prospects that are completely unfamiliar with your brand/product.