The Rolls Royce of Document Signing
March 04, 2022
The Rolls Royce of Document Signing

Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with DocuSign CLM, formerly SpringCM
When we onboard new clients for long-term contracts, we use DocuSign CLM to send contracts and documents for signing which helps keep everything organized and on track. Previously, we didn't have a way of knowing which contracts have been signed and which contracts were not yet signed. Making the switch to DocuSign was a good option for the company to help keep up to date with pending documents.
- Alerts when documents are signed
- Notifications if customers don't complete any or all of their required tasks
- Showing clients exactly where to sign
- Making signing easy and fast
- It could have been a little easier for customers that aren't in front of a computer
- We received word from customers that they prefer a paper version
- Reporting when documents have been reviewed and signed
- Allowing us to pick the fields for customers to sign and initial
- The cost can be justified by the time saved with paper documents, postage, and organization of documents
- This has increased efficiency in the clerical end of the business
We did not consider an alternative to DocuSign. The reputation and ease of use was enough to make the purchasing decision and begin using it internally and with customers.
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