Success of Freshdesk
Overall Satisfaction with Freshdesk
Freshdesk is our ticketing system - multiple operational teams utilize it for internal tasks, and external follow up. The program allows us to communicate seamlessly with our clients, and with our contracted photographers. I especially lean on the automations we can set up to add private notes to tickets to help guide our teams easily without consulting SOP. On my team specifically, we use Freshdesk for inbound email support, for recording calls, and for communication between our internal teams, and clients as we are the main point of contact for clients.
- Automations - sorting tickets
- Help and Support page
- Reporting - Analytics
- Ticket templates and canned responses should be able to be used interchangeably. We frequently have the same response in both fields.
- The spam filter can be a little too aggressive. We have had issues with tickets being accidentally marked as spam then filtering incorrectly for weeks at a time.
- Increased response times - Client Success maintains at 98% SLA for resolution
- Categorization of feedback and issues - custom ticket fields make it easier for us to review why clients contact us on a high level
- Standardization of internal procedures via templates, canned responses and automations
Freshdesk has absolutely increased customer satisfaction and retention. Having a robust ticketing system is essential to success when working with clients. Freshdesk provides the frontline team with a lot of great tools to help clients more efficiently, and the main need of any client is to have their issue resolved as quickly as possible. On a management level, the Analytics that Freshdesk provides are great for coaching team members, and gaining higher level insight into strengths and weaknesses. We use Ticket Fields to categorize the type of issue/contact for every single client who reaches out to our team, which has helped us be more proactive with resolving overarching issues.
I was not privy to the decision making process when Freshdesk was implemented. However, I can tell you both from a frontline perspective and a management perspective that the product provides GREAT value. Their support team is also pretty amazing - super prompt, friendly, and knowledgeable. That is a really important factor for us.
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