Khoros Marketing keeps your content organized and gives you peace of mind!
September 10, 2019
Khoros Marketing keeps your content organized and gives you peace of mind!

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Modules Used
- Social Marketing
- Intelligence
- Experiences
Overall Satisfaction with Khoros Marketing (Formerly Spredfast + Lithium)
Khoros Marketing is being used by a large number of people at my organization for both publishing content, organizing content, intelligence, and social listening.
- Calendar
- Labeling
- An easier to read calendar for people who manage accounts that post 3-8 times a day.
- Better intelligence on individual posts.
- Integrating IGTV & other emerging social.
- Stronger app (ability to copy posts).
- Ability to copy between initiatives.
- Tagging users in Instagram images and videos.
- Comment scheduling.
- Increased efficiency.
- Better quality of life (when it comes to adding in scheduling and auto-publishing features).
- Better time management.
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