Fan of KnowBe4. Would be a reseller, but have no time!
Overall Satisfaction with KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training
Automatically via AD sync. Exception is external contractors without Port emails - these must be uploaded via CSV.
Whole organization. Everyone trained when on-boarded, and there is ongoing quarterly training. Contractors must go through same training.
- It's easy to set up.
- Lots of training modules to choose from.
- Keeps history.
- Need easy replacement of outdated modules in campaigns with no end date.
- We have had no breaches.
- Users are very aware, and report suspicious emails daily.
SANS and Optiv were also evaluated. KnowBe4 seemed like the easiest to set up and use. Nice admin dashboard, best looking UI. Lots of modules to choose from. Included Phishing.
Do you think KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training delivers good value for the price?
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Did implementation of KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training go as expected?
Would you buy KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training again?
Very important. Users get bored by quarterly training, so need fresh, up-to-date, engaging content.
We download and report using Excel. Most important is which divisions complete the quarterly training first.
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