Great product that provides the KnowBe4 something bad occurs!
Updated July 11, 2022

Great product that provides the KnowBe4 something bad occurs!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training

We use the Security Awareness Training for any new employees as well as during our phishing campaigns for those who fail. We are looking to implement a yearly training as well to ensure that everyone retains the knowledge as best they can. The training is very informative, and the games make having to go through that process much easier. No one enjoys listening to a monotone voice trying to educate them on something.


  • Trains users on what to look for.
  • Helps IT keep up on those who need a little extra training.
  • Makes the learning more fun with games.


  • When viewing a phishing campaign email from a phone, it will sometimes flag the user as a clicker even though they didn't do anything but open the email.
  • Always room to add even more content so the training is not always the same thing over and over again.
  • Improvements to the UI of the website. Sometimes it is hard to locate where you want to find the information for a most recent phishing campaign or training session.
  • We have improved our organization's security risk from the 40's down to the '20s ( on a scale of 0 to 100, lower being better).
  • Our end users are now able to much more easily identify phishing emails thanks to the training that KnowBe4 is providing.
We have not used any other products like KnowBe4. They have met our needs quite well, so we have not had a reason to go looking for another one.

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We are able to provide more up-to-date information to our end users. This is a must when dealing with security, as attacks are constantly changing and new methods are appearing all the time. The more knowledge you can provide to the end-user, the better you will be at avoiding attacks.
We export our users from Active Directory and perform an upload to the KnowBe4 system. This process can be automated by someone who knows what they are doing. This will free up someone from having to do an upload to the system every day or week.
We use the phishing campaign results every month to see where we stand compared to previous months. That allows us to see if our solution is working well. Also shows us if we need to alter anything in the training that could be more beneficial to the end-user. With the varying difficulty of the phishing emails that are sent out during the campaign, we can take a look at the emails our clickers/openers/responders received as well.
If you are looking for the ability to test how well your users have learned from their training then this product is great! We are able to simulate phishing campaigns to see how well our users are doing when it comes to the practical application of what they learned in the training. We are also able to have those failed users go through another training so they can refresh their memories on what to look for when it comes to phishing emails/scams.

KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training Feature Ratings

Training Content Library
Multilingual Training Content
Not Rated
Training Gamification
Industry-Specific Security Training
Not Rated
Individualized Security Training Plans
Not Rated
Phishing Simulations
Security Reporting
Integration with Security Tech Stack
Not Rated
Role-based user permissions

KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training New Features

The Active Directory provisioning has made getting users into the system much simpler and automated. We were uploading CSVs before and just having this automated has helped with maintaining users in KnowBe4.
We have not explored the AI-Driven personalized trainings. This is something we are planning to implement and will update this when we have that done.
When we first started using KnowBe4, our phish-prone score was almost 50%. With the monthly phishing campaigns and security trainings for those that fail, we are now down to a score of 18%. KnowBe4 has made the training process very easy.
We use PhishER daily. With its PhishRip capabilities, we are able to quickly pull a phishing email from all of our users inboxes. We have played with the PhishFlip feature, but we have found it unnecessary since we already do a monthly campaign. Too many trainings can be a bad thing.

Using KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training

400 - We force all employees to go through KnowBe4 training once a year. No one should be excluded from security training, as all employees are susceptible to phishing emails. The knowledge also transfers to their personal lives as well, so they know what to look for in personal email exchanges as well.
1 - The system generally supports itself. The trainings and campaigns are scheduled, so you set it once and only make changes whenever you are wanting new content. Users control their own passwords, so administration is easy as well. Reports are mailed out, and overdue training notifications are sent out daily. I am in the system daily, but that is to handle the PhishER side with the emails that are reported.
  • Keep employees trained on what to look for in a phishing or scam email/SMS message
  • Report suspicious/unknown emails to be viewed by an expert and pulled from all inboxes if necessary
  • Test employees on their knowledge by running campaigns
  • We have not had any unexpected or innovative ways to use KnowBe4. We purchased the product for what it could do and use it for those needs.
  • As time goes on and new phishing/scam standards change, the trainings are updated and include those new things to look for.
This product has many benefits that we depend on. Even without the trainings/campaigns, having a program that can easily report suspicious emails as well as pull those emails from all inboxes is a major benefit. With everything combined together, KnowBe4 is a complete package that is great for any business.

KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training Support

Good followup
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
We did. We purchased the premium support to ensure we were covered with all our support needs.
I have only ever had to contact support one time in the two years we have used the product. The issue was a server-side issue, so I wasn't the only user affected by it. The support person reached out quickly and let me know the issue was being worked on. I was also sent an email once the issue was resolved. The support person also made sure that everything was back to working correctly for me before closing the ticket.
Support went above and beyond what I expected to receive when reporting a server-side issue. Most support centers will close a ticket when the issue is a server-side issue. KnowBe4 made sure to let me know when the issue was resolved as well as checking to make sure I was no longer experience it still. After I gave the all clear, they finally closed the ticket.

Using KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training

Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • PhishRip
  • PhishFlip
  • PhishER
  • Phishing Campaign
  • A few parts of the UI can be less intuitive, but after using it for a short time it becomes second nature.

KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training Reliability

The product scales greatly. As long as you upgrade the license to support the number of users you are needing, adding in those new users is easy. Also getting those users set up with trainings/campaigns is very easy as well.
There have only been a handful of outages in the 2 years we have had the product. Even during those instances, parts of the system were still operational.
Pages load quickly, filter/sort quickly, and don't slow down or freeze. Everything is smooth and very easy to use. There are a places in the UI where you can forget how to get there, but other than that everything is great. We have had no issues using any part of the website.


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