Microsoft is the Gold Standard for a Secure and stable Corporate Email Server Infrastructure.
Updated May 11, 2021

Microsoft is the Gold Standard for a Secure and stable Corporate Email Server Infrastructure.

Jeffrey Rudacille | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Microsoft Exchange

We use [Microsoft] Exchange (both on premise and online, in a hybrid setup at this point) for an organization wide email and communication solution. It is the basis for the majority of communication both internally and with external clients and customers. It allows all of our devices, both mobile and otherwise, to have on centralized location for most of our companies communication needs.


  • [Microsoft] Exchange is the gold standard for Corporate email. It is flawless in maintaining and delivering email to all of our users. It has been around so long the thing it does the best is just work. Most of the flaws and bugs are already out of the system.
  • The GUI management tools for MS Exchange, whether Online or on-premise, are fairly well documented and for the most part fairly easy to use.
  • [Microsoft] Exchange gives you the option to have an all in one box solution. Its not recommended but for smaller shops its a nice alternative to a more extensive setup that requires multiple servers.
  • If sized correctly, MS Exchanges is fine tuned out of the box to be fairly quick and responsive as to email delivery.


  • [Microsoft] Exchange is best used with MS's Outlook Email client. Trying to use it with third party options, including mobile possibilities, limits some of the capability a use may have.
  • If an on-premise [Microsoft] Exchange server has an issue and data corruption takes place, the method in which MS uses mail logging to restore a system can be overly complicated and take an extensive amount of time.
  • If the admin need you have is not included in the Graphic interface one has to move to using Powershell to get some basic tasks done. This is a bit cumbersome for part time Exchange admins.
  • Setting up Exchange to be fault tolerant can be a cumbersome process.
  • The obvious positive ROI is that we would not be functional without Email. Exchange does it all for us on the email front.
  • Most users are fairly familiar with using Outlook and Exchange as a back end so having to train new users is minimal.
  • Having so many organizations use Exchange gives is a large pool of web based support to draw from when there are questions or issues.
  • The only negative impact I can think of is if things go wrong the process to restore can be complicated.
  • Google Workspace (formerly G Suite)
Frankly we never tried anything else so I do not have anything to enter here. The largest competitor would probably be Google/Gmail/G Suite and a lot of start up and smaller companies do use it successfully. Since it is all off premises, Gmail does have some traction for small companies that do not want to have IT support needs for their email.

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[Microsoft] Exchange is well suited for any organization that uses or plans on using Microsoft products as part of their offering. Almost all versions of Office come with the Outlook client and that sets up the expectation that those organizations will also use Exchange, whether Online or On-Premise, for their service side needs. In addition it is used so widely in corporations that finding support is much easier than some lesser known situations so its safe to use even in smaller shops where full time IT is not on staff. If your business is one that focuses on Google or open source products, trying to shoe horn Exchange into your environment is probably not the best choice as it would needlessly complicate your infrastructure.

Microsoft Exchange Feature Ratings

Data Loss Protection
Threat Detection
End-to-End Encryption
Management Tools


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