Monday in Symphonic Distribution is a Symphonic!
February 01, 2021

Monday in Symphonic Distribution is a Symphonic!

ANDRES MUNTEON | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with

  • time savings
  • easier set up of projects
  • nice place to work on it
It allows the whole team to understand and organize all the processes are we going through daily, weekly and monthly. Monday is being used by the Marketing team. We are around 30 people in SYMPHONIC in this platform. To have a successful delivery of each release, In music distribution, and make it work with a good marketing plan, involves too many actions, information and people around it. Monday lets us see all this variables in one place.
  • Drag the the info around the board.
  • The colors contrast the work and allows to see everything easier.
  • The notifications in the email are awesome.
  • It is not easy to copy info from Excel, for example, and paste it in Monday.
Monday is a tool that allows to join a team, no matter where or when the team can work together this extraordinary platform changed the way teams can interact and exchange all the actions, processes, quotes, comments, tags, and tasks to achieve their goals.
I'm not the person who is in charge of Monday in SYMPHONIC, perhaps that is the reason I do not have a good understanding about Customer Success Manager. However, AJ the Marketing Director for Latam trained me about the platform. Also I had discovered some features by myself because the platform is so intuitive.
Monday is a great platform. The framework itself is awesome, the way designers and developers worked together to give the client an excellent user experience is amazing. I have never seen any update or maybe have any trouble with the interface doing my job, any bad comments in this way only congratulations for Monday and its team.

Do you think delivers good value for the price?

Not sure

Are you happy with's feature set?


Did live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of go as expected?


Would you buy again?


In digital environment is a great tool. When the organization needs to confirm some processes and the teams are all around the place, Monday is an awesome tool to have the info in one place. It is not a good tool when the work you need to do is outdoors. Feature Ratings

Task Management
Resource Management
Not Rated
Gantt Charts
Workflow Automation
Team Collaboration
Support for Agile Methodology
Not Rated
Document Management
Not Rated
Email integration
Mobile Access
Not Rated
Timesheet Tracking
Not Rated
Change request and Case Management
Not Rated
Budget and Expense Management
Not Rated
Project & financial reporting
Not Rated
Integration with accounting software
Not Rated