Nintex workflow for Business Process Automation
Overall Satisfaction with Nintex Workflow
We use Nintex Workflow and forms to automate many manual business processes. We have cases where 20 people were needed for a process were reduced to two after automating their manual processes with Nintex. This huge cost savings was mainly due to the effectiveness of the Nintex platform. This solution was so recognized, the rest of the organization wanted us to automate their business processes as well.
- Nintex workflow makes it easy to connect many disparate systems into one cohesive solution.
- Without having to write custom code, Nintex can pull in live data from many SQL Server sources across our enterprise to dynamically fill in data into forms and workflows.
- Nintex can out of the box connect with many 3rd party tools so data can be shared from one platform to another to create one automated solution.
- Moving to Office 365 has proven to be cost prohibitive for us so we are planning on phasing Nintex out for our Office 365 sites.
- The Nintex workflow history lists become overwhelming in size. We need a parameter we can set to only keep history back 7 days, 1 month etc. To keep these lists from getting into millions of records like ours are. The adversely affect our performance and especially SharePoint search indexing.
- Nintex has saved our business units so much money on automating their manual tasks that a few business units pay for our IT developers to insure they work on their processes.
- One business unit was able to reduce a team from 20 officers to 2 after we automated a very laborious process for them with Nintex. Many of those people were then freed up to work on other more interesting things.
- Our cost savings in automation far outweighed the cost of Nintex.
- K2 blackpearl
Nintex is easily integrated into SharePoint so our users were able to get up and running immediately. Nintex is very intuitive so no formal training was needed. The K2 team took a year to get trained and get all of the servers running before we were able to start delivering solutions in K2. So far, Nintex has given us a much larger return on our investment than K2 has.
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