Feature rich and affordable
December 21, 2021

Feature rich and affordable

Aaron Prokop | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with WatchGuard Network Security

Watchguard is used to secure our networks and act as a firewall between employees and the internet at large. Watchguard gateway anti-virus, web and content filtering, and intrusion prevention help keep our networks safe. Watchguard VPN is also used to allow remote workers secure access to our networks. Watchguard helps keep our users and data safe while not hindering access to legitimate internet usage.


  • Secure remote VPN access
  • Easy to use and manage
  • Quick and secure web filtering and intrusion prevention


  • setting up content filters could be improved
  • Watchguard is able to safeguard our networks at a very reasonable price point.
  • Excellent price to performance ratio.
Tech Data Safe is our Watchguard partner, we use them for purchasing but implementation is so easy I have not needed any extra help there.
Implementation is relatively simple, and in some environments is very plug-and-play. Upgrading to a new appliance is very easy, just walk through the wizard and then load your old config and make some minor adjustments.
WatchGuard's bundling of license options is very easy. You can choose maintenance only, basic security, or total security. Bundling basic and advanced options has made it easy for us to get what we need without confusing licensing schemes or having to purchase several independent license options. Basic is great for an average small office with little needs while the total security has advanced features for larger offices or data centers.
Watchguard is much simpler to set up, has more intuitive interfaces, better support options, all at a better price point.

Do you think WatchGuard Network Security delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with WatchGuard Network Security's feature set?


Did WatchGuard Network Security live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of WatchGuard Network Security go as expected?


Would you buy WatchGuard Network Security again?


Watchguard is well suited to just about any network environment. Remote work and site-to-site VPN is easy to set up and use. Content and web filtering keep employees safe without hindering their legitimate business usage. Watchguard is also fairly simple for a new or inexperienced user to jump into.

WatchGuard Network Security Feature Ratings

Identification Technologies
Visualization Tools
Content Inspection
Policy-based Controls
Active Directory and LDAP
Firewall Management Console
Reporting and Logging
High Availability
Stateful Inspection
Proxy Server
Not Rated


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