Allego, headquartered in Waltham, provides sales enablement with a rep-centric platform designed to ensure that sellers have the skills, knowledge, and content they need to optimize team success in a virtual world. In place of traditional training and content enablement tactics, Allego aims to empower reps with the activated content they need to close deals faster, and the personalized coaching and learning they require for continuous improvement.
Seismic Learning
Score 7.3 out of 10
Seismic Learning (formerly Lessonly, acquired by Seismic in August 2021), is a learning management system (LMS). The vendor emphasizes eLearning for client-facing skills, as well as a drag-and-drop interface. Lessonly supports customizable learning paths and corporate onboarding processes.
Allego Sales Enablement Platform
Seismic Learning
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MindTickle was hated by our users - company switched to Lessonly before I arrived.
Allego and Docebo both seem to have fundamentally different uses - mostly for hive-mind knowledge collection among salespeople, which may be helpful, but can't be scaled to the entire …
Simple, Intuitive and Innovative - Lessonly was one of 9 different platforms we evaluated and determined meet all the key criteria areas for the business. The team was effective in articulating the business solution after understanding the needs and didn't pressure us to make …
As we roll out new products or services, the learning and coaching platforms are key. They allow us to teach the team the content and then coach them as they video record their delivery of the content to a "client." This allows us to see how much they've absorbed and helps us to redirect them when needed.
If you are onboarding new employees or consultants and you have a complex product, solution, or your business is layered and complex, this can help distill down the layers into basics so that new team or partners can build their knowledge base up the right way. This ensures they are learning what needs to be learned, and not what they surmise or assume, which can be incorrect and cause issues down the road - this is especially sensitive in our field. Training of all kinds can be done easily with this tool.
We have yet to discover something about the system we don't like.
If hard-pressed to find a flaw, it would be that whomever authors content, the content is tied to that individual; however, Allego has the capability to "reassign" content to a different author when needed.
It's completely simple and intuitive, anyone can pick it up. The hardest part is looking for a save button and finally figuring out you don't need one. We don't provide training for users and never have complaints. For creators, we provide best practices, but using Lessonly itself requires nothing .
The support team is very friendly and eager to help you learn the ins and outs of Lessonly. They can set up training for large groups or send links in a chat for individual help. They are quick to respond and if one person doesn't have the answer, they will collaborate with others to help find the answer.
I was not personally involved in the purchase of Allego, but came to the organization shortly after. I would say that Allego stacks up to both Gong and Litmos pretty well with a few differences. Gong is a little more robust when it comes to the functionality of call intelligence and coaching and has a little more to offer when it comes to syncing up to Salesforce. But doesn't have the content storage or LMS capability. Litmos has the badging capability that Allego does not, but it didn't have the CI and content storage like Allego does
I felt some of these products had more features than were necessary and needed for our team. Some of them were limited on the number of content creators that were allowed which to me forces you to use one or two people to create content where I would rather see it done by key members of each department.
We've had an increase in quality overall as a company, as we are able to continually train our employees outside of our New Hire Training program.
We've seen stronger communication as we are able to send out material to our stylists about products, policies, procedures, etc. and they are able to provide us with feedback. After all, it is their tool for learning and we want to know the best way to provide that information to our Team Members.