Cirrus Insight vs. InsideSales Playbooks

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
Cirrus Insight
Score 6.3 out of 10
Mid-Size Companies (51-1,000 employees)
Cirrus Insight integrates Salesforce with Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Contacts. Instantly View Contextual Salesforce Information in Your Inbox. Save Emails & Attachments to Salesforce with a Click. Sync Your Google & Salesforce Calendars. Create & Edit Salesforce Records on the Fly. Customize Your Salesforce Workflow in Gmail. Add Google Contacts to Salesforce. Salesforce Tasks Integration. Salesforce Templates Integrated with Gmail.
per month
InsideSales Playbooks
Score 6.8 out of 10
InsideSales Playbooks (formerly XANT Playbooks) aims to help SDRs and AEs quickly build closeable pipeline, by helping salespeople get a hold of more of the right people. uses their A.I.-platform called Neuralytics to target likely buyers combined with their cadence engine to help sales reps consistently engage all of their prospects in a personalized way. Just like Waze from Google helps drivers get to their destination quickly based on the data from other drivers,…N/A
Cirrus InsightInsideSales Playbooks
Editions & Modules
per user/month
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per user/month
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Pricing Offerings
Cirrus InsightInsideSales Playbooks
Free Trial
Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup Fee$500 per installationRequired
Additional DetailsPricing based on annual billing.
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Community Pulse
Cirrus InsightInsideSales Playbooks
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Cirrus InsightInsideSales Playbooks
Small Businesses
Score 8.8 out of 10
Score 9.8 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies
Score 8.8 out of 10
HubSpot Sales Hub
HubSpot Sales Hub
Score 8.8 out of 10
Groove, a Clari company
Groove, a Clari company
Score 7.8 out of 10
Score 8.3 out of 10
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User Ratings
Cirrus InsightInsideSales Playbooks
Likelihood to Recommend
(22 ratings)
(127 ratings)
Likelihood to Renew
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
(101 ratings)
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Implementation Rating
(1 ratings)
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User Testimonials
Cirrus InsightInsideSales Playbooks
Likelihood to Recommend
Cirrus Insight
For someone who uses both Gmail and Salesforce as part of their main role, this software is an invaluable connector for them both. Some of the features are also not Salesforce specific - such as the Meeting Scheduler, which has proved invaluable to me, and I would recommend to any Gmail user who frequently set up meetings (either internally or externally).
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It is well suited for any sales department, to try to get ahold of the person you are trying to get ahold of. Playbooks has increased the number of decision makers that I can get ahold of on a day to day basis. This tool would probably be less suited for people that do not have calls to make outside of the company.
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Cirrus Insight
  • Log email to Salesforce. You click one button and it logs for you. This is easier than adding the BCC email address that Salesforce provides as a way to log email.
  • Track views and engagement on these emails. It's nice to know if the email was opened and if links were clicked.
  • Update quick fields in Salesforce directly from their inbox using Cirrus. This prevented reps from needing to click into Salesforce, wait for it to load, then update fields like the phone number or name.
  • If the rep did need to open Salesforce, Cirrus provides a quick button to navigate to the Lead/Contact/Opportunity page quickly.
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  • Playbooks does a great job of letting reps know when phone numbers are not a working number.
  • Playbooks does a great job being able to be tailored to your specific organization or business.
  • Playbooks does a great job of having a very friendly user experience.
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Cirrus Insight
  • Outlook for Mac could use some work as an add-on because it's hard to read sometimes on my laptop. It's not a sidebar, like the Windows functionality, so it's harder to read.
  • Doesn't always find an opportunity, even though I know it's in our Salesforce system.
  • Randomly shuts down and doesn't log in properly at times. I've had to remove and re-download more than once.
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  • The ability to filter specific plays or pieces of information so that it's more user-friendly for the overall organization. Essentially, more room to customize the organization of accounts and how you're working them.
  • The initial onboarding process of accounts results in high levels of tasks - the ability to break these down in an easier way to help with time management would be helpful.
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Likelihood to Renew
Cirrus Insight
It is the best google to salesforce integration on the market. support is incredibly responsive and very helpful. They are constantly adding new features, and the current feature set is well beyond anything else that is currently offered in the market
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Cirrus Insight
Very easy to use. Everything opens in a familiar interface right inside the google apps sidebar. It brings in salesforce records, so as long as you know google apps / gmail and salesforce you'll be all set. It's point and click.
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It only took a day to get comfortable with Playbooks. The ease of use and overall usability is fantastic in the sense that it's pretty straightforward once you get enough repetitions in the tool. I also like all of the videos and resources available if support is needed
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Reliability and Availability
Cirrus Insight
Haven't had a down issue in the almost 2 years I've been using the product. Support is also super responsive.
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Cirrus Insight
Pulls in salesforce data very quickly, and syncs very quickly.
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Implementation Rating
Cirrus Insight
The plugin is installed inside your internet browser as an extension/add-on. It can be found in most add on stores and is easy to install. Usually just a few clicks. It handles authorization for you once you sign in, and then takes care of all the rest. It couldn't be easier to get working right out of the box. You're up in running in less than 5 minutes.
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Alternatives Considered
Cirrus Insight
Yesware regularly sent me alerts that my emails had been opened by someone who I hadn't sent them to, from locations they couldn't possibly have been. I also don't recall its Salesforce activity logging working as smoothly, though I last used Yesware more than 12 months ago so my memory isn't as fresh as it could be
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The Insidesales Playbooks is by far more intuitive and organized than other programs I have used in the past. Unfortunately I have not had experience with other products that are available out there. I would hope we will see more improvements from the ISDC tool as we all use it more and provide feedback
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Return on Investment
Cirrus Insight
  • Customer data is paramount and Cirrus Insight supports optimal data integrity.
  • Ease of capturing updated customer information and sales activity helps in forecasting, operational insight, etc.
  • Facilitates transition of sales opportunities by seeing a clear trail of correspondence and customer updates.
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  • 100's of hours back in our week due to Salesforce Integration!
  • We have more clients answering the phone due to creative caller ID solutions.
  • We can standardize our messaging by partnering with Marketing to help build plays and auto-enroll certain contacts based on messaging.
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Cirrus Insight Screenshots

Screenshot of Screenshot of Screenshot of Screenshot of

InsideSales Playbooks Screenshots

Screenshot of Playbooks DashboardScreenshot of Editing a RecordScreenshot of Creating an EmailScreenshot of Adding NotesScreenshot of Scheduling a CallScreenshot of Viewing Task List