SiSENSE as web service platform.
- Great at mashing up data from multiple different data sources.
- Easy deployment, ETL process, Dashboard or Report preparation and distribution to end users.
- Very low hardware usage so you probably wont need to invest huge money on new servers.
- JS Extensions engine which allows to create really powerful tailored features.
- QlikView,InForum,JetReports
- We're able to finish our web service which we could not with our previous BI vendor.
- We could use our own product in a matter of 2-3 months after deployment which was quick.
- As of today None.
- Final Dashboards used as IFrame on our web service.
- Ability to mash-up multiple different data sources
- Speed - even with lot of text to analyze.
- Mainly as a platform integrated with our web service that allows an innovative approach to analyzing public contracts market.
- Support for WWW was weak
- Slow
- Mashing up different data sources was near impossible
- Price
- Product Features
- Product Usability
- Implemented in-house
- Some issues with IIS, when implementing earlier versions of PRISM Web.
- Online training
- In-person training
- Self-taught
- Dashboard preparation
- Dashboard distribution
- Plugins in EC Manager.
- JS Plugins could be problematic
- Internal web application
- File import/export
- Single Signon
- API (e.g. SOAP or REST)
- Javascript widgets
- ETL tools
- Hierarchies
- New filtering system
- Memory consumption enhancments
- Improved iPad experience
- Improved role configuration
- Better documentation for extending SiSense.