Facebook Only, Better solutions out there
August 14, 2014

Facebook Only, Better solutions out there

J. Alexander Curtis | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 1 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with AgoraPulse

I wish I had even one good thing to say about AgoraPulse. But I really don't. The interface was impossible to navigate, the apps did not work, the customer service was terrible. I felt bad marking it down all the way, but I really couldn't even think of one positive experience from when we used it.


  • Competitors analysis was pretty cool. But it is not a whole lot more unique than what Facebook already offers
  • Price isn't bad. Its not great either, but its not bad.


  • The apps had major connection issues for our users on Facebook. We ran a contest and most of our users gave up. We only had 15 entries out of 18K loyal fans! When we switched to an alternative company and redid the same contest we had 2K entries. Their apps were a disaster.
  • The UI looks beautiful, but its not intuitive.
  • The customer service blamed the problem on me for almost a month, before finally coming back to me a month later and admitting it was their fault. Not the friendliest customer service team.
  • Extreme negative impact on ROI. One of our most anticipated contests of the year was completely and utterly ruined. Costing us tens of thousands.
  • Offerpop,North Social,HootSuite Pro
All three of the competitors I looked at offer MORE than just Facebook for about the same price. These are huge advantages for Social teams that are diversified. Also, the posting, scheduling features are much stronger with the other solutions. OfferPop has by far the best and more reliable apps. HootSuite offers better reporting tools (except that the reports are very expensive through HootSuite, one report is the cost of one month of AgoraPulse).

For apps, find a different app solution as these ones are absolute garbage and unreliable. For reporting this isn't bad if all you want is Facebook. But I recommend a more well-rounded solution such as HootSuite.
My lost ROI is incomprehensible. The customers service was terrible. I eventually did get a refund for one of the 3 months I was with them, which I appreciate. But that $50 was insignificant to the amount of headache and trouble the rest of the app cost me.
AgoraPulse only does Facebook, which is unfortunate. Their reports could be really good if that was your main interest in getting a solution like this. For anyone purchasing it for the apps, I would recommend looking at the myriad of other competitors making Facebook apps which are much higher quality. Really AgoraPulse was only any good at reports.


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