Capsio helps growth!
April 26, 2016

Capsio helps growth!

Lynzee Jablonka | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Caspio

We are a boutique social media agency that specializes in influencer marketing. We use Caspio to house all of our influencer data and to be able to search through it to find matches for our campaigns. We search for things like topics of blog, or addresses. We utilize Caspio to help monitor the growth of our influencer network, as well.


  • Data segmentation
  • Customer Service
  • User Interface


  • While I do think Caspio is easy to use, it wasn't at first. Making the user interface a bit friendly would be great!
  • It helps us to monitor the growth of our database, which is really important to us.
GroupHigh is so frustrating to use. It is constantly changing the way you can search for bloggers, and we can never find exactly what we are looking for.
It's very suited for people who are looking to segment groups of data. We use it for our Influencer Network.


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