Good, enterprise tool
December 07, 2020
Good, enterprise tool
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Software Version
Modules Used
- Expense
- Travel
- Approvals
Overall Satisfaction with Concur Travel and Expense
Concur is our only approved system for T&E. It's nice, especially with the Concur app on my phone for quick photos of receipts, submitting while I'm out and about, and mobile usage. I also like when I can copy a reimbursement request for a similar or identical order and don't have to redo all the work again.
- Fairly intuitive.
- Good technical controls.
- Nice customization for cost centers.
- If you don't know exactly where to bill something, it's trial and error to figure out how to get the approval submitted.
- Some learning curve, but not bad.
- Could have the UI a bit simpler.
- On big trips, you invest a lot of time as soon as you get back to get everything submitted.
- Nice checks in place to prevent fraud or errors.
- Nice to have a standard system for all expenses instead of multiple systems.
RocketTrip for points and incentives to help save the company money. When I first started, they were separate systems, but once integrated, it's kinda nice to see how that works out. Something that does bug me is checking in Rockettrip first, then going and looking for flights and stuff in Concur.
It helped consolidate and use one system for all of our travel and expenses. It also helped reel in people that booked things on their own and then reimbursed for major costly stays and hotels. Something to consider when T&E budgets are slashed due to covid-19. We have good accounting staff.
As a user and not a manager of budgets, I can speak to how I use it. The big push to use it was to improve the experience of managing business travel and expenses. I haven't seen the numbers, but I am fairly certain it's helped out our company and save unnecessary spending.
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