Emburse Chrome River Good for Remote work; Test thoroughly and keep customizations simple
November 16, 2021

Emburse Chrome River Good for Remote work; Test thoroughly and keep customizations simple

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with Emburse Chrome River

Chrome River is our Expense Reporting system. Many people have company expenditure cards, and those who don't can submit for reimbursement of allowable expenses. While our AP department is the head of the process and application, most people in the firm use it to enter expenses for themselves or on behalf of others. The biggest benefit in my opinion is its availability from anywhere, especially in a remote world. It is web-based and has an app, so it is easily accessible in a few ways. Its use allows us to quickly submit and process expense and reimbursement requests with a geographically dispersed team.


  • CR Snap, a phone app that allows pictures of receipts with AI that recognizes expenses and enables submission of the expense at the point of expense.
  • Business logic rules that can be customized as to how to route expenses for approval or automatically approve.
  • Online platform that makes it accessible from anywhere without special equipment. Allows us to work remotely.


  • As a data analyst, I wish we could export their analytics to combine with our own internal data to make it richer.
  • It took a while to transition to our new accounting system, and was slightly difficult to get their team to work on customizations.
  • Sometimes the product has minor glitches that seem to resolve themselves within a few hours.
  • Sped up expense cycle.
  • More accurate expense reporting.
I think the app and website are easy to use and navigate. The buttons are large enough and the process fairly clear. The only questions we get are usually on business specific rules; certain requirements on certain expense types.
The help documentation is well laid out and descriptive, with pictures. It answers most of my questions. For the technical issues that must be fixed by the Chrome River team, sometimes it just takes an email or 2 to get the problem resolved.
Chrome River is very good for large, complex expense processing workflows. You can customize it as much as you need or want - though simpler is usually better. If you have a distributed workforce and/or many people submitting expenses, the app and tools make it easier to get the receipts and expenses in a timely manner. It also allows processing outside of a single location and reduces paper waste. If your company is very simple or isn't geographically distributed, it may benefit you less.


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