My take on GoToAssist SeeIt
Overall Satisfaction with GoToAssist
GoToAssist is used by our Helpdesk Team. We use it to remotely connect to end-user systems locally and remotely. We also use it during Board room meetings where we have to assist presenters with their presentations. It allows us to stay out of sight, which is important in these types of meetings. It also allows us to connect and troubleshoot remotely, allowing the end-users to multi-task while we work. This is an excellent benefit as our end-users are often working on multiple research projects at one time.
- GoToAssist connects to PC & Mac systems well -- cross-platform products are crucial in our environment.
- GoToAssist is reliable when connecting to unattended systems -- this enables us to troubleshoot without the end user present.
- GoToAssist allows us to connect to servers without issues. Many of our servers are in Virtual environments so this helps us manage our connections.
- We would like to see more "Wow" factors other than the standard remote tool options.
- We would like to hear from the Vendor more with regard to future direction and changes.
- Would like to see artificial intelligence integrated into this product.
- It allows our technicians to be more effective and efficient when troubleshooting.
- It reduces the amount of time our tech's spend on finding people and scheduling desk-side visits.
- Allows the customer to multi-task while we work remotely on their system.
- VNC Connect and BeyondTrust Remote Support (formerly Bomgar)
All these products are very similar. Bomgar required an appliance at the time we purchased it. VNC is a solid product. At the time of purchase, GoToAssist had more recent technology and the price was good. Their company is currently working with Artificial Intelligence -- bots and hopefully we will see this integrated into the product in the near future.
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Using GoToAssist
7 - We have multiple departments that utilize GoToAssistSeeIt. Our Helpdesk team utilizes it to remotely troubleshoot customer issues. We also utilize it to remote control/screen share during Major Audio Visual Events.
4 - The skillsets required of our technicians are a good understanding of how most remote support tools work. They also require a basic understanding of Network Protocol and Internet connectivity issues which can arise during a connection. They also require a good understanding of how Mac's and PC's work in case issues arise while connected or attempting to connect.
- In-house remote support for end user issues
- In-house and off-site connectivity to Servers
- Remote support & screen-sharing when running Audio Visual Events
- None. The product works as advertised
- This depends on the direction of the product.
Evaluating GoToAssist and Competitors
Yes - We Replaced VNC Connect. As technology advanced we found that GoToAssist SeeIt had more efficient features for today's demands. We also like the direction the company is headed.
- Price
- Product Features
- Product Usability
- Product Reputation
- Prior Experience with the Product
Prior Experience with the product's previous versions was a key factor in our decision-making. The feature-set stayed consistent and new ones were added. The key components from previous versions remain in the current builds which makes it easier for our techs to utilize. It also minimizes the amount of training we need to give to our customers in order to provide successful connections.
If I had to do it again I would definitely pose the question "Where do you see your company and product heading". Often times companies are on the verge of performing a major overhaul of a product or they may be discontinuing a product or they may be going out of business. These are all essential concerns when purchasing any product that you want to stick with for a long period of time.
GoToAssist Implementation
- Implemented in-house
Change management was minimal - N/A
- None - Training Techs was minimal
- None - Training End users was minimal
GoToAssist Support
Pros | Cons |
None | None |
The product is easy enough for our techs to figure out and train end-users on so we didn't have the need for premium support.
Using GoToAssist
Pros | Cons |
Like to use Relatively simple Easy to use Technical support not required Well integrated Consistent Quick to learn Convenient Feel confident using Familiar | None |
- Remote connections to PC & Mac systems.
- Finding systems to connect to.
- Connecting from Offsite to Onsite.
- Unattended connections don't always work
Yes, but I don't use it
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