, quickly create a session, send a user a link, and start interacting
July 22, 2016, quickly create a session, send a user a link, and start interacting
Score 10 out of 10
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Our product department uses to deliver small group or 1:1 training where we primarily leverage screen sharing for demonstration purposes. We also help support the delivery of online education and when our instructors are having trouble, we usually go straight to to help illustrate a solution and train our faculty. While job aids are available, we find that being able to quickly load a program and show someone a step that they might be missing, we can provide tremendous value and support to our clients.
- No download/installation of a tool or application to start viewing, just open the browser and send the link.
- Very fast to start a session, no need to schedule an event, send out calendar invitations, have the end user downloading an application.
- Compatibly with browsers has been outstanding, we do not have to implement workarounds for this product.
- Our most technologically challenged clients have no issues launching a session.
- When sharing your screen when you have multiple monitors displayed, it can often be difficult.
- Screen sharing animations can be choppy.
- Our team members feel more empowered to help our users, having a quick and reliable tool to initiate and for our users to deploy.
- As a result, our level customer satisfaction has increased as we can provide immediate and helpful illustrations.
- We have also been able to reduce our investments in other conferencing software, which we were previously using in a cumbersome fashion, that did not meet our goals.
When there is a very specific task in mind, has served our team exceptionally well for several years. It always makes the budget for renewal, and is one of the first tools that our support staff leverages when helping our clients.
Other platforms often carry a higher cost, a longer meeting initiation window, require some technical expertise from the end-user to initiate, and can create delays and frustrations executing a simple task of screen sharing. To be able to send a link that someone can open in their browser, you can have a session launched in seconds, with no worry to your end-user's technical proficiency or hardware requirements to participate.
Other platforms often carry a higher cost, a longer meeting initiation window, require some technical expertise from the end-user to initiate, and can create delays and frustrations executing a simple task of screen sharing. To be able to send a link that someone can open in their browser, you can have a session launched in seconds, with no worry to your end-user's technical proficiency or hardware requirements to participate. (discontinued) Feature Ratings
20 - Product, E-Learning, Technical Support, Project Management, Academics
Basic technical proficiency is all that is required to use the software. We do not have to dedicate any resources to the use of the platform.
- Technical Support
- Quick Launching Illustrations
- Connecting with less technical users
- We have been able to leverage the recording functionality to create webinars that we have been able to reuse and share.
- Wider department adoption.
Evaluating and Competitors
- Price
- Product Features
- Product Usability
Our end-users with no technical experience can click a link and we can immediately screen share with them, no installation of software on their part, no browser compatibility issues, just click-and-go.
We are quite happy with Implementation
- Implemented in-house
No - Demonstrated the product for key employees, and they started using it.
Change management was minimal
- Depending on your last use of the product, as the meeting owner, you may have to update your software (the end-user does not, they just launch in a browser) Support
Pros | Cons |
Quick Resolution Good followup Knowledgeable team Problems get solved Kept well informed No escalation required Support understands my problem Support cares about my success Quick Initial Response | None |
We rarely, if ever, have to contact technical support. The product works as anticipated, and our end-users have no problems launching the product.
Pros | Cons |
Like to use Relatively simple Easy to use Technical support not required Well integrated Consistent Quick to learn Convenient Familiar | None |
- Launching a screen sharing session
- Sending out a link to join the session
- The end user clicking a link and being joined in, no product installation or compatibility issues
- It can be difficult to correctly share your screen when using multiple monitors/displays/projecting.
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