Robust, Scalable and Cost effective way to load balance the traffic
Updated August 23, 2021
Robust, Scalable and Cost effective way to load balance the traffic

Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Kemp LoadMaster
Our primary requirement is load balance and protect the exchange active sync and OWA requests. We were using Microsoft TMG server previously for proxy server to protect our exchange server. We recently decided to upgrade exchange server, but MS TMG server support has expired. I was looking for a solution that can provide similar solution as TMG server. While I was talking to a consultant, they recommended Kemp load balancer. On top of proxy server, I also configured Exchange with DAG, so we needed load balancing as well. We are using it for whole corporation, and it provides the business continuity.
- Installation & configuration is really easy. The web portal is self explanatory.
- The load balancing by Kemp for our exchange server is doing excellent job.
- The tech support is par excellence.
- The backup/restore feature is so simple. In case of failure, you can bring back Kemp in a short time.
- I enjoyed the live logs and reporting in TMG server, which i miss it here.
- The license file is locked with the MAC address. In case of restoring it on a different VM would cause issue.
- The Web portal is sometimes looks more complex and confusing. It can be more simplified.
- So far it's all positive impact.
- The cost of Kemp is very low compared to other solutions in the market, so ROI is really good.
- For us business continuity is more important, which is provided by Kemp so overall the return is way more comparing the cost of the software.
We only used MS TMG server in past. The product is discontinued and out of support. It was our consultant who recommended Kemp to us. We trusted his suggestion and we don't regret it.
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Evaluating Kemp LoadMaster and Competitors
Yes - I was using Microsoft threat management gateway (TMG) server in past. They discontinued the product, so i was need of a software that can do something similar. During my conversation with a consultant i was introduced with KEMP. I talked their sales team and they confirmed that KEMP can do lot more than what i was looking for. I bought the software and never regretted it.
- Price
- Product Features
- Product Usability
- Product Reputation
With my exchange server upgrade, i implemented it with DAG. Because i had 2 exchange, now i need a load balancer on top of my OWA and Outlook sync requests. KEMP has this functionality, and it's much cheaper so selecting it was a no brainer.
I think i have made the best decision so i would not change my evaluation or selection process.
Using Kemp LoadMaster
- Outlook active sync
- DAG traffic load balance
- Security protection
- Not sure yet
Kemp LoadMaster Implementation
- Implemented in-house
Kemp LoadMaster Support
Pros | Cons |
Quick Resolution Good followup Knowledgeable team Problems get solved Kept well informed No escalation required Immediate help available Support understands my problem Support cares about my success Quick Initial Response | None |
I have their enterprise license. I didn't purchase the premium support. With the support i have, most issues were resolved so i never needed it.
Recently, i needed to move my KEMP server to new VMware physical host. I was under the impression that i can simply move it and it will be fine. After i moved the VM, the license was not working due to MAC restrictions. I called their support, and they walked me through with installing it from scratch and restore the configuration from old server. This was done in a very short time. I was really happy with the support.
Using Kemp LoadMaster
Pros | Cons |
Like to use Relatively simple Easy to use Technical support not required Well integrated Consistent Quick to learn Convenient Feel confident using Familiar | None |
- Configuration
- Backup/Restore
- logs
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