Microsoft 365, Like the American Express Card, I don't Leave Home Without it.
April 13, 2021

Microsoft 365, Like the American Express Card, I don't Leave Home Without it.

Jeffrey Barsky | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

Microsoft Office (Installed)

Overall Satisfaction with Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365)

I use one or more programs included with Microsoft 365 almost every day. I make extensive use of Outlook for emails, Excel for spreadsheets, and Word for preparing the text of reports. I have a forensic accounting practice and have to frequently prepare memos and or reports. A typical report contains a series of Excel spreadsheets that I call schedules and a text that explains in detail the schedules and my findings regarding certain analyses that I conduct. I can easily convert both the text of a report and the schedules into PDF form directly without scanning, and then add information to the PDF such as consecutive page numbers and paste an actual image of my signature into the PDF. This allows me to complete a report directly from my computer without scanning anything. I have issued reports when I am out of town including foreign countries. All I need is access to the internet. I also use PowerPoint to make certain presentations and often prepare graphs to explain complex findings in court. Having Microsoft 365 facilitates these tasks with ease. For example, sometimes in the text of a report, I describe certain findings and include a copy of a graph directly in the Word file. While I prepare the graph using Excel, I can copy and paste the graph from Excel into Word. It really produces a very professional-looking product. For me, Microsoft 365 is an absolute necessity.


  • Easy to link Excel information into Word.
  • In Excel, linking of cells makes it easy to do analysis that when changed, updates everything.
  • Excel is very powerful. You can use it to sort data and create really professional-looking schedules for reports and presentations.
  • Excel makes creating graphs really easy. Great for explaining financial concepts to individuals with limited financial backgrounds.
  • Excel has some really powerful tools, such as rounding of results of computations, using at if formulas to analyze certain data and the grouping function which can help make a really complex schedule simpler by hiding certain rows and or columns.
  • Many programs that contain databases of information can export reports directly into Excel eliminating the need for data entry.
  • I like the editor function in Word, which helps one create better reports. It picks up errors such as punctuation and makes suggestions for better use of words.


  • I would like to see the editor function that Word has included in Excel.
  • Preparing analysis of data using Excel.
  • Preparing texts for reports using Word.
  • Keeping colander using Outlook.
  • Managing emails using Outlook.
  • As far as I am concerned, Microsoft 365 makes it possible for me to conduct business [at] such a small cost. It [saves] me hours of time.
I am not aware of another product that has all of the features of Microsoft 365.

Do you think Microsoft 365 delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with Microsoft 365's feature set?


Did Microsoft 365 live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of Microsoft 365 go as expected?


Would you buy Microsoft 365 again?


Microsoft 365 is well suited if one has to prepare memos and or reports. Excel is very useful for analyzing data and creating exhibits that explain and help one manage their business. Outlook is great for keeping your calendar and managing your emails. PowerPoint is great for making professional presentations of various kinds.

Using Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365)

1 - I use Microsoft 365 every working day for managing emails and my calendar, to prepare various types of financial analysis using Excel, preparing written reports using both Excel and Word, and preparing charts using PowerPoint.
I use Dell Computer for tech support.
  • Managing emails and my calendar.
  • Preparing various types of financial analysis using Excel.
  • Preparing reports using both Excel and Word.
  • Preparing presentations using PowerPoint.
  • Keeping track of my time and Expenses for billings to clients using Excel.
  • Using Excel, I developed a system to keep track of my time billable to clients. I also use Excel to keep track of my expenses billable to clients.
  • Using Excel, I keep track of my other expenses for tax purposes. I have developed a system for going through my credit cards and identifying business charges on my credit cards and reimbursing myself for them.
  • I have taught certain courses and made presentations in slide show formats for that purpose.
  • I am considering using Excel to keep track of business deadlines.
I use the product almost every day. Not sure how I would be able to operate without it.

Evaluating Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) and Competitors

  • Product Features
  • Product Usability
  • Product Reputation
  • Prior Experience with the Product
I have used this product and it's former versions for as long as I can remember.
Not sure I have any suggestions at the moment.

Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) Implementation

Everything works and I use it all the time.
Yes - I worked with Dell to set up Microsoft 365. They provide me the entire suite and provide me email hosting and backup services. I first set up email, contacts, and my calendar. Then, I started using Excel and Word and later PowerPoint.
Change management was minimal
  • Migrating my old Pop email system to the new online linked system.

Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) Support

I have used online FAQ and articles or done searches online for explanations on how to use certain functions. There are good resources available online. I have never had to contact Microsoft and talk to them live.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
No escalation required
Immediate help available
No. I have never needed to contact them.

Using Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365)

It seems to me to be such a useful and necessary tool in my business.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Feel confident using
  • Cell linking in Excel.
  • Keeping tract of my Calendar.
  • Managing emails.
  • Certain advanced functions in Excel such as nested at if statements.
Yes - It works well for emails. For some reason, if I set up an appointment in Outlook on my phone, that does not link to my computer. If I set it up on my computer, it links to my cell phone instantly. I have not tried this issue lately. It may be an issue caused by how my set-up on my computer has been done.

I also read Word and Excel attachments on my phone, but due to the screen size, I sometimes wait until I am at my computer.


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