Good enough for what I use it for
February 27, 2022

Good enough for what I use it for

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Miro

We use Miro to collaborate and share ideas and designs. We will sometimes have up to 60-70 people collaborating at the same time on Miro, which is something that would be very hard to do in real life. We share present graphics with each other in real time and we are able to organize our ideas using sticky notes and all sorts of maps on Miro.


  • Collaborate with large groups
  • Write down ideas
  • Organize information


  • More colors would be helpful to distinguish different elements and for personalization.
  • The ability to present to everyone on the Miro board instead of having to ask everyone to hover over to the area being presented.
  • The ability to embed videos in an easier way.
  • Great for allowing small groups to collaborate on the same board without disturbing one another
  • It takes a really long time to load when a large amount of people are collaborating at the same time
  • Great for ideation for future projects
Miro is pretty easy to learn and to get used to. It is not very complex and has a lot of reminders of how certain features work, which helps people new to Miro feel less intimidated and also accelerate the process of learning how to use Miro. It can be confusing at first but Miro is so repetitive that you'll learn fast.
Miro is not complex at all, which can be annoying for more advanced folks but makes it perfect for learning it quickly. There are not a lot of things that you can do with Miro besides collaborating and throwing a bunch of text, files, and images all in one place, so it's not hard to learn at all.
We use Miro every time we need to collaborate on new projects. We use it for ideation, to show our progress, to have records of the work we have done, and to present our final work. It's great for projects because we can keep our ideation, our rough drafts, our progress, and our final product all in the same whiteboard.

Do you think Miro delivers good value for the price?

Not sure

Are you happy with Miro's feature set?


Did Miro live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of Miro go as expected?

I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy Miro again?


Miro is great when it comes to sharing ideas with a large group of people. However, it is only good for very rough ideas. It is hard and very time-consuming to lay out information in a prettier or more attractive way. It is also very hard to design anything on Miro. It is only good for sharing ideas and writing information down.


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