Miro for the medical student
February 28, 2022
Miro for the medical student

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Miro
As medical students, many of us use it to organize our patient cases and make presentations. It is helpful in making flow charts and keeping documents organized within one visual space.
- Aesthetically pleasing
- Easy to navigate
- Ease of collaboration
- Include more options for creativity
- Better organization/grouping options for the home page
- Including a chat function (unless this is already an option and I have just not explored it yet)
- Improved productivity
- Efficient studying
- Improved test scores
Miro has positively impacted my school's ability to collaborate on new projects. I enjoy being able to view the board at the same time as my colleagues, especially the function that allows me to see where their cursor is. I think a chatbox or the ability to video chat through the Miro app would be a great addition.
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I believe that Miro is a lot more collaborative than PowerPoint for certain projects. It feels as everyone is involved in the discussion rather than a presenter vs audience feel. I like that you are not confined to the limits of a PowerPoint slide, and instead have a large area to work on.
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