The Benefits of OutSytems
May 05, 2016

The Benefits of OutSytems

Richard Tilbury | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with OutSystems Platform

We use OutSystems as our main development tool. We used OutSystems to provide our clients with a cutting-edge employee benefits portal offering staff discounts and savings designed to help make the employee's money go further. See for details of our product. Since launching the site last year, we have enrolled close to 100,000 active users; a figure that is growing daily as we are experiencing good traction.


  • Low-code - the action flows are very quick to debug, as you can quickly troubleshoot and identify problems.
  • Engaging - some developers can be dismissive of the product, but once they use it, most will adopt the platform as their tool of choice.
  • In the right hands the tools allows for rapid development.
  • Many common tasks can be done quickly, e.g. search and admin screens for tables are generated simply by dragging and dropping the tables onto a form.
  • OutSystems seem to be keen on improving the product and listening to their user community.


  • Longer term development version branching in the platform, i.e. developing major branches while maintaining existing code is lacking, although the handling of versions and synchronising day to day developments is good.
  • Lacking reporting tools for the production of ad-hoc management information.
  • There are very minor niggles with the action flows; e.g. lacking things like a version history showing developers and what they changed, the ability to disable code branches easily, small stuff.
  • We rolled out a new platform in less time than we expected to have done through traditional means. The product developed has helped us secure new business.
Mendix was similar to OutSystems, but OutSystems seemed more polished in comparison. Note we reviewed Mendix over two years ago and I have not seen the product since to update the comparison.
We have found OutSystems suited to most scenarios. We have written some complex functionality, including product purchasing, single sign-on integrations, bulk data importing and a rules engine to price products. Where a traditional development tool such as C# is required, OutSystems Integration Studio allows you to do integrate the C# code with little effort.


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