Overall Satisfaction with Unitrends Recovery Series Backup Appliance
- Unitrends is an easy to use, robust, web based application and appliance. It is easy to install, easy to set up and replicates backups to the cloud.
- Unitrends has a user friendly interface that even junior staff can use with minimal training for restores.
- Unitrends has fantastic reporting capabilities that can be used for critical things such as ISO auditing.
- I don't feel that Unitrends needs much improvement. The only complaint I have is that for a site to site replication, you need 3 masters initially in order to start the de-dup process for the rest of the data. I know there was talk of engineering re-architecting that piece so that one master (like replicating to the cloud) is sufficient. I currently don't replicate site to site at BioNex, but I have used this feature with Unitrends at a different company where I also implemented multiple Unitrends appliances
- We have (luckily) only had to restore single files at this point. Since I am not on-site 5 days a week, the Unitrends appliance is easy to use for my engineering team when they need to recover a file and can't wait for me to do it.
We were running backups via Windows Server and via Western Digital and via Backup Exec.
Windows Server Backups is functional, but not easy to use for others not in IT when files need to be recovered. Plus it requires storage (we used USB drives) which need to be rotated, cataloged, taken off site etc.) and its not encrypted and it can be slow when backing up to USB.
Western Digital is a safety extra backup net, so we only keep it for double security - but similar issues as Windows Server backups.
Back up Exec is temperamental (at best). Jobs run sometimes, don't run other times, fail, hang, crash, never finish etc...It is a very management intensive system and requires hours a day of oversight.
Unitrends is robust, has encryption, built in storage, external archiving capabilities, cloud replication...you name it! It covers all the basics you need for DR.
Unitrends Feature Ratings
Using Unitrends Recovery Series Backup Appliance
- Backups
- DR to the cloud
- Reporting for ISO audits
Evaluating Unitrends Recovery Series Backup Appliance and Competitors
- Product Features
- Product Usability
- Prior Experience with the Product
Unitrends Recovery Series Backup Appliance Support
Pros | Cons |
Quick Resolution Good followup Knowledgeable team Problems get solved Kept well informed No escalation required Immediate help available Support understands my problem Support cares about my success Quick Initial Response | None |
Using Unitrends Recovery Series Backup Appliance
Pros | Cons |
Like to use Relatively simple Easy to use Technical support not required Well integrated Consistent Quick to learn Convenient Feel confident using Familiar | None |
- Web based so you can run it in any browser
- The web app is easy to navigate, implement backups and review status on job history
- Email notifications on success and failures
- Nothing is difficult
- Nothing is cumbersome
- I couldn't recommend anything to make this better except make it free :-)
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