WebEx for Day to Day Office Video Needs
Overall Satisfaction with Webex Meetings
We currently use this product to meet one-on-one with students that are distance learners. It's being used campus wide for a variety of reasons, but for one-on-one purposes in my office. We have to find ways to connect with distance learners and help them meet sanction requirements when needed. WebEx helps us meet that goal by providing the platform to see students face to face virtually.
- Video feed
- Ease of Use
- Screen-sharing
- Audio
- Technical Assistance when needed - I don't know who to call if technical assistance is needed
- Clarity
- University can purchase for entire campus
- Saves money for travel
- Saves money for training as the software is user friendly
- Adobe Connect and Zoom
I would say that I like WebEx much better than Adobe Connect, but not as much as Zoom. Zoom is fairly easier to use and has great features that are a little more student-friendly than Zoom. Adobe Connect on the other hand, is not as user friendly and definitely not as student friendly as WebEx. Against both Zoom and Adobe Connect, WebEx is the best option for professional, everyday work setting.
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