WebExpense user review
June 10, 2021
WebExpense user review

Score 3 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Modules Used
- Expense Management
Overall Satisfaction with Webexpenses
WebExpenses is used to process expenses which I incur in my day to day role such as business mileage, food costs, travel tickets and administrative expenses. It is used by all people at all levels across the business to submit any business expense personally incurred at work and is done via browser or app
- easy to access
- each claim clearly separated
- at a glance view of current expense status
- [I believe] receipt capturing & use for mileage in particular is clunky
- [I have experienced] unexpected errors on routes which claim to be changed by the user which have not been
- Sometimes crashes when adding receipts leading to whole claim to be redone [in my experience]
- One solution for all
- easy to access
- Clear approval flow
[I believe] it has the potential to be better. [I feel] user experience should be good but let down by compared functionality.
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