Likelihood to Recommend eSign Genie has completely streamlined our tedious document process and helps us to easily manage our documents from signature to delivery and even with ongoing storage. This enhancement saves us time, money, and headaches and has been a true lifesaver for our organization and for our customers. I highly recommend it!
Read full review We are a very small business and a nonprofit at that so being mindful of overhead costs is essential to our functioning and longevity. I would recommend Notarize for any small business that is unlikely to have a notary public in house or needs to be mindful of the time and human capital needed to constantly be traveling in person to notarize documents. With Notarize, we have been able to find a cost-effective method without losing any of the high-level quality we require. Furthermore, because we often work from home in many different time zones, we don't have to worry any longer about getting to a notary within the traditional 9a-5p business day and can get documents notarized in the times that work best for our schedules.
Read full review Pros The learning curve is faster compared to the last software we used. It is easier to set up the templates and email messages so that the text boxes line up seamlessly. It is quicker to send agreements and to follow up if they are not returned in the allotted timeframe. Making changes to the documents is fast and easy. Read full review Document validation E-signature Online verification Read full review Cons I have no complaints about this software whatsoever. I started using Echosign years ago until Adobe bought them out and tripled the price and cut features. Then, I went to Docusign that was not very user friendly and the customer support is NON-EXISTENT. eSign Genie is wonderful! Read full review Sometimes difficult for customers that aren’t tech savvy to navigate Read full review Likelihood to Renew The tool is inexpensive and good value. We don't need a ton of eSign capabilities and this one provides what we need for a low cost given our low volume.
Read full review Usability Super simple - needs almost no instructions to setup and use
Read full review Support Rating eSign Genie has live chat support virtually twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. They also have phone and email support as well. On the few occasions that I have had to contact support, they were very helpful, knowledgeable, and friendly. It's been a pleasure working with the folks at eSign Genie.
Read full review Implementation Rating There is no implementation at all. You just sign up, upload your documents, set up the fields to complete, and you are done!
Read full review Alternatives Considered Adobe Sign , despite coming from one of the best known brands in software, is the most frustrating and poorly-supported platform I've ever used.
HelloSign and
PandaDoc are good platforms - although the cost a bit more than eSignGenie, they are ahead on some features (not all)... depending on your exact use case, I'd consider them. However, for my simple use case, eSigngenie is the clear winner!
Read full review We looked at other services such as
DocuSign Notary, OneNotary, ENotaryLog, and Notary Cam. Ultimately, it was clear that Notarize provided us with the most reliable, trustworthy, consistent, and professional services relative to the price. The ease of use and mobile-friendliness of the platform has made us feel proud of our decision. We have not since questioned it at anytime.
Read full review Return on Investment eSign Genie was the most affordable option of all vendors which helped us to stay within our project budget. We were able to purchase a relatively small number of document folders which was more appropriate to our needs than say DocuSign which required something like 1,000 documents minimum. The ease of use of eSign Genie helps us to implement new research studies without having to expend a lot of person hours to set things up. Read full review Time saving on processes Quality of life service Better employee experience Read full review ScreenShots