Flipcause vs. Blackbaud Luminate Online

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
Score 1.2 out of 10
Flipcause is a nonprofit fundraising management platform from the company of the same name in Oakland.
per month
Blackbaud Luminate Online
Score 4.4 out of 10
Mid-Size Companies (51-1,000 employees)
Luminate Online aims to help non-profits engage more effectively with supporters and raise more money by enabling integrated campaigns for digital, social and mobile channels. According to the vendor, Luminate Online helps non-profits: Better understand online supporters Make the right ask at the right time Launch creative fundraising campaigns Automated campaigns stimulate engagement and action through targeted welcome messages with personalized…N/A
FlipcauseBlackbaud Luminate Online
Editions & Modules
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Pricing Offerings
FlipcauseBlackbaud Luminate Online
Free Trial
Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup FeeNo setup feeRequired
Additional DetailsLuminate Online is priced based on the number of email addresses on file, modules used and service plan. Our peer to peer offering, TeamRaiser, has a transactional, shared success pricing model.
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Community Pulse
FlipcauseBlackbaud Luminate Online
Considered Both Products

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Blackbaud Luminate Online
Chose Blackbaud Luminate Online
They are essentially both helpful tools to non-profits. I will say Blackbaud Luminate Online seems to have more resources and data available than the likes of Slipcase and most of its competitors. The features on Blackbaud Luminate Online differentiate it from all the other …
Top Pros
Top Cons
Best Alternatives
FlipcauseBlackbaud Luminate Online
Small Businesses
Bonterra Guided Fundraising
Bonterra Guided Fundraising
Score 9.5 out of 10
Bonterra Guided Fundraising
Bonterra Guided Fundraising
Score 9.5 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies
Score 9.2 out of 10
Score 9.2 out of 10
Blackbaud CRM
Blackbaud CRM
Score 7.5 out of 10
Blackbaud CRM
Blackbaud CRM
Score 7.5 out of 10
All AlternativesView all alternativesView all alternatives
User Ratings
FlipcauseBlackbaud Luminate Online
Likelihood to Recommend
(2 ratings)
(87 ratings)
Likelihood to Renew
(0 ratings)
(21 ratings)
(1 ratings)
(28 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(3 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(9 ratings)
Support Rating
(1 ratings)
(32 ratings)
In-Person Training
(0 ratings)
(2 ratings)
Online Training
(0 ratings)
(14 ratings)
Implementation Rating
(0 ratings)
(4 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(9 ratings)
Ease of integration
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
Product Scalability
(0 ratings)
(11 ratings)
Vendor post-sale
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
Vendor pre-sale
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
User Testimonials
FlipcauseBlackbaud Luminate Online
Likelihood to Recommend
Flipcause has been great for our organization and donors report good experiences using the platform. It has been fantastic for our annual fundraiser, as we can sell tickets, get volunteers to sign up, solicit donations, contact all ticket purchasers, and more very easily
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Blackbaud Luminate Online is an excellent solution for online giving, providing a wealth of tools for producing donation forms. It also is outstanding for peer-to-peer fundraising, such as event-based efforts like walks, cycling tours, and so forth. The Email module is outstanding if you need an internal solution for communicating with your donors and supporters. It provides a wealth of tools for crafting emails, and for reporting on the results.
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  • Flipcause has a great user interface for donors.
  • Flipcause sends customizable donation receipts.
  • Flipcause easily integrates with our website.
  • Flipcause has great customer service.
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  • House Donor Information. Easy report pulling. Queries and lists.
  • I like how everything is housed on one platform. Webpages, emails and donor profiles. User friendly.
  • It works nicely with other blackbaud products such as Raiser's Edge. Easy importing and exporting options.
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  • The functionality is great, but setting up a fundraising campaign the first time can be time consuming and confusing. However, they have customer service staff who can help you or who will set up the campaign for you from start to finish.
  • You must click "save" each time you open a section of your campaign even if you haven't made any changes. This can be a bit annoying, but I suppose the feature is there to prevent changes from being lost or unwanted changes from being saved.
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  • Reporting needs some work, this is being worked on in their new BETA program.
  • The eCommerce module needs some work. It would be great to have more ability to customize parts of it without having to rewrite the code.
  • The Events module could use some improvements as well.
  • The Personal Fundraising module needs a lot of work. It really cannot work as needed right now. We started using TeamRaiser to handle this, but it could be great.
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Likelihood to Renew
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We’ve decided to leave Luminate and are moving to a system that better caters to our and our users needs. Luminate has proven difficult to use and has limited abilities when it comes to data management, events, and peer-to-peer functionality. Reporting is also very complicated and requires a great deal of time to utilize properly.
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Generally didn't have problems with overall usability
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You have to be very tech savvy to use Luminate to its fullest potential. You can get buy with the training, but there is a steep learning curve and you almost need 6 months to 1 year of in-person training to really be able to anything substantial. The online training lessons are not going to cut it while learning this program.
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Reliability and Availability
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It's a very rare occurrence if the system isn't available when I want it. I can easily log in from home after hours if need be, and the security is enforced, but simple when you're legit! They are very good about sending email reminders and updates when system maintenance will be performed, and it's always during middle of the night hours when you likely wouldn't be using it anyways
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Pages load fast and 98% of the reports do run in a matter of secons/minutes. There is this one report I have that can take hours to run, but this is due to the amount of transactions being requested for one of our biggest online fundraising events (Transaction report)
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Support Rating
Flipcause has amazingly responsive customer support staff and "Success Teams." When you sign up, your Success Manager makes sure you have all the information and support needed to get up and running quickly and easily. Your Success Team will happily provide support on an on-going basis as needed, although we have not needed much support due to the easy-to-use interface
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Support staff are usually incredibly helpful and responsive. There are several ways to contact them (chat, logging a ticket, phone) which makes it easy to get help when you need it. Once in a while I get a support staff member who isn't quite as helpful, which is why I gave it a 9 instead of a 10, but that is rare and if I follow up with someone else, I get what I need.
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In-Person Training
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Initial training was great and the instructor was very patient and helpful during the set up process. Blackbaud has a variety on online self-paced classes that supplement the training you receive. The only downfall is after training is complete. I've found the support for Luminate to be a tad lackluster. We often encounter issues that aren't on Luminate's development road map and have had a series of cases be opened.
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Online Training
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When I used the training, I had actually been using Luminate Online but figured it might help me learn to use the tools more effectively. And it did. The sessions were helpful and even as a current user I felt like I learned how to use the tools more effectively.
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Implementation Rating
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Implementation of Luminate itself was rather smooth, but the process involved for TeamRaiser was very difficult. Even after implementation we relied on support to help with various aspects of TeamRaiser from page design to reporting and front end user issues. The support offered for issues with Luminate was very good, but again TeamRaiser support was lacking.
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Alternatives Considered
We previously used Network for Good to process online donations and to sell event tickets, but Flipcause has proven much better at meeting our needs. I prefer the Flipcause interface and functionality, especially for event registrations. We have also used PayPal and PayPal Here to collect donations online and in person. While these are trusted and recognizable for our donors, they are only useful for collecting donations and do not have easily customizable donation receipts.
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The only other product I have used for this type of fundraising work is NetCommunity and it hasn't been as scalable or versatile. It doesn't really offer the peer to peer fundraising of Luminate or the constituent management, web page development and considered donation forms. NetCommunity didn't even come close which is why we replaced it with Luminate.
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Luminate Online is a great scalable product as it provides various price points dependent on your quantity of email addresses. This allows both small and large organizations to utilize the product, which has strong email capabilities. It also means smaller organizations aren't forced to pay astronomical fees in order to have access to a quality product.
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Return on Investment
  • We are a nonprofit and donations are our lifeline. By streamlining the donation solicitation, processing, and acknowledgement process, and by automatically populating the donor CRM, Flipcause has saved so much time. And as we all know, time is money...
  • Flipcause encourages donors to pay the additional credit card processing fees, so more of the donation lands in our account.
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  • We've increased our online giving +200% although this is due in part to our focus on the channel and not entirely on the product.
  • We've been able to increase employee efficiency by selecting email lists per message within Luminate Online. With our prior solution we needed to request data be pulled from our database for event email.
  • We've really done a great job of growing our online tribute and memorial giving through the use of custom links and the pre-populated information has really helped with the back end processing.
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Blackbaud Luminate Online Screenshots

Screenshot of Email Overview DashboardScreenshot of Luminate allows you to enable multiple types of giving - from recurring to matching and everything between.Screenshot of Luminate enables you to reach out to supporters in multiple waysScreenshot of Luminate Peer to Peer fundraising with DIY events, also enables your supporters to fundraising on their behalf.