Great, very easy-to-use tracking tool.
- Versatility. Very user-friendly and the fact that the whole company can help. We love referrals and if we can use our people to find more like them, that’s a good thing.
- Very easy to post jobs using social networks. Our process is: Manager gives us a job requisition. We route for approval. Once approved, we post to multiple sites externally (including social channels). Since all employees are uploaded into JV system, new positions are also pushed to employees (we offer referral bonuses). You can set profile so that system automatically sends jobvites to twitter FB, or just individually through email. If I send a JV to my network, and it starts to spread virally, it can always be linked back to me as the originator and I get the referral. The site is also open to outside recruiters.
- Automation: Set and forget functionality means that jobs are automatically posted to LinkedIn and Facebook etc.
- Great tracking tool. We can see a vast array of metrics like how someone applied (which source), how long positions take to fill, etc.
- Automatic candidate tracking and matching. If someone has applied for one position and was not hired, they remain in our database for automatic matching to future reqs.
- Customization:
- The system is very easy to customize and configure. I can ask it to copy me on any messages that hiring managers send to candidates. The system can be configured so that candidates are notified automatically if a job that matches their skills becomes open.
- Single sign-on. Social media passwords are stored in JV so that I can automatically link to social media channels without having to log-in.
- I can post 20 jobs per day to social media channels with multiple customization options.
- There are some data presentation issues. For example, our CFO struggles to see what reqs he needs to approve. He cannot see in a simple list what items need immediate action. If he loses an email and goes into the systems he cannot easily see what’s been approved or not approved. We have entered an enhancement request on this.
- The big advantage is that I am no longer the choke point. Using JobVite means that hiring managers have direct access to candidates without having to go through HR. The fact that they can manage the process themselves is hugely efficient. Access is 24/7.
- Company-wide applicant tracking system. It handles job requisitions, approvals, postings to social media sites, etc.
- Online training