Hollywood effects on your PC
Overall Satisfaction with Adobe After Effects
We are a small video and photo production company. We have been using Adobe After Effects for years, to insert animations into our videos, animate titles, cut out, and many other things.
- Track an object to insert animations.
- Create transition effects better than in Premiere.
- Best use RAM memory.
- Sometimes the timeline interface is problematic.
- We no longer need to rely on external studies for many effects.
- With a little practice you can do without expensive plugins and create the same effects yourself.
Obviously I use Premiere to edit and After Effects to post-produce. In the past I used 4D Cinema to create objects to insert in the videos, but now with a few external plugins all the objects you want are inserted.
Do you think Adobe After Effects delivers good value for the price?
Are you happy with Adobe After Effects's feature set?
Did Adobe After Effects live up to sales and marketing promises?
Did implementation of Adobe After Effects go as expected?
Would you buy Adobe After Effects again?
Using Adobe After Effects
2 - We are both media creators.
2 - We have been using the software for 10 years.
- Titles.
- Inserting objects.
- Color key.
- 3D video effects.
- We are trying to exploit the software in many ways.
Evaluating Adobe After Effects and Competitors
Yes - We use fewer external plugins.
- Product Features
- Prior Experience with the Product
Software is provided to interface perfectly with Premiere and allow you to create beautiful effects.
I doubt I'll change my mind about the software, it's the best on the market.
Adobe After Effects Support
Pros | Cons |
Quick Resolution Good followup Knowledgeable team Problems get solved Kept well informed No escalation required Immediate help available Support understands my problem Support cares about my success Quick Initial Response | None |
No - The answers are already found, and they arrive in excellent times.
Every time I post a question about a hardware or software problem.
Using Adobe After Effects
Pros | Cons |
Like to use Relatively simple Easy to use Technical support not required Well integrated Consistent Convenient Feel confident using | Lots to learn |
- Track an object.
- Color key.
- Color correction.
- Sometimes the interface.
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