Reliability, accessibility, ease of use, and value for money
September 12, 2020

Reliability, accessibility, ease of use, and value for money

Steven Thomas | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with BlueJeans

BlueJeans is being used across the organization. It has become an invaluable tool in maintaining business function during the current coronavirus pandemic. It is absolutely indispensable. It allows teams to communicate with each other on a secure, stable platform that is user friendly and reliable. It has enabled the charity to benefit from the expertise of professionals and to attract new trustees who would otherwise not have been able to attend physical meetings.


  • Host multiple participants with ease
  • Is accessible for blind users using speech software
  • Setting up meetings is particularly easy and efficient.


  • Include an audible clue when participants want to contribute to a discussion - useful for a chair who is blind.
  • Phone dial-in could be simplified.
  • The name isn’t obvious or recognized - when suggesting to other companies that we use BlueJeans, they are all on Zoom or Teams (both are inferior).
  • More productive meetings
  • Shorter meetings
  • Reduces travel time
  • Attract new volunteers or directors
  • Inclusive for individuals who are disabled and can’t physically attend meetings
BlueJeans is far more user-friendly than Teams and far more reliable than Zoom.

The audio and video are far superior on BlueJeans, and it is much more accessible for participants who have sight loss.
BlueJeans is well suited for internal meetings. We have held meetings and training sessions with multiple participants with ease. Extremely reliable connections, the chair being able to adjust screen displays for all participants is particularly useful.

Perhaps not so useful when trying to convene meetings with different companies as the name isn’t as well known as it should be in the UK.

BlueJeans Meetings (discontinued) Feature Ratings

High quality audio
High quality video
Low bandwidth requirements
Mobile support
Desktop sharing
Calendar integration
Meeting initiation
Integrates with social media
Record meetings / events
Not Rated
Live chat
Not Rated
Audience polling
Not Rated
Not Rated
User authentication
Participant roles & permissions
Confidential attendee list
Not Rated


More Reviews of BlueJeans Meetings (discontinued)