It's Time to Look at IntApp Time
May 28, 2019

It's Time to Look at IntApp Time

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
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Overall Satisfaction with Intapp Time

IntApp Time is the primary timekeeping application used by all timekeepers across our entire firm. It captures or allows the entry of all worked time to be billed to clients and then interfaces with the firm's accounting system to inject the data for billing and other timekeeping and administrative purposes. It also allows timekeepers to review, edit and see reports on their individual data.


  • Timers: IntApp Time's timer functions are well thought out and meet the esoteric needs of different timekeeper's styles
  • Integration: IntApp Time integrates well with our accounting systems.
  • IntApp Time has been a reliable application for us.
  • Users perfer the IntApp Time interface to other products.


  • Updating the product can be difficult due to IntApp's update methodology.
  • There is no artificial intelligence capability in the product to assist timekeepers in entering time.
  • Installation and testing of the product are complicated.
  • Obviously, time capture for billing is a vital function. At this time we believe IntApp Time is best of the breed in this regard, though competition is coming.
  • Recording timekeeping is something all timekeepers hate. IntApp time doesn't do as much as it potentially could to ease this pain, using predictive algorithms for example.
  • For timekeepers who are diligent, IntApp time provides all the tools necessary to record and closely manage worked time, its primary functionality.
We also looked at the timekeeping software that is a part of our accounting system which is fully integrated into that product. IntApp time provides a better user interface while providing all the integration necessary for our accounting system to capture all the essential timekeeping data points. For larger law firms, we feel there are not a lot of better-competing products.
IntApp time is well-suited for capturing time and automating that capture in some instances. It does not provide a wealth of information regarding the time it captures. For example, auto-detecting client/matter numbers based on past time entries. As mentioned, the timer functions of the product are well thought out, easy to use and popular among our timekeepers.


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