Weaknesses to Strengths - the Natero way !!
June 27, 2016
Weaknesses to Strengths - the Natero way !!

Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Natero
It was being used by the department initially as it was on a test run basis. Problem wise Natero aims to empower customer success in terms of predicting churns, expected sales, and in relation to marketing teams to become data-driven, without having to rely on data experts. It automatically aggregates and mines all sources of customer data to uncover actionable insights which is a very useful feature. On the whole I would say a very decent service that helps with data analysis It is streamlined in such a manner and with a friendly user interface so that it is easy to understand data without any complications at all.
- Task Alerts
- Configure Account Health Score
- Predictive Analytics
- Filter, Sort and Text Search
- Aggregation & Segmentation Analysis
- Task Alerts vs. Todos
- Customer Email Summaries do not exist
- Survey Management
- Text Analysis
- In the long run it sure did have a positive ROI
- But for small spans it's not a good investment
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