Sauce Labs is pretty nice
Overall Satisfaction with Sauce Labs
- We use Sauce Labs to run our automated regression testing for our different web apps over different browser, device[,] and OS versions (Virtual)
- Manual testers use Sauce Labs to test on real mobile devices using real device cloud
- Currently only being used by our department, plans for future rollout to the rest of the organisation is being discussed
- This addresses browser and device compatibility as before this, we were only using Chrome to test.
- Recording of test runs (virtual only)
- Parallel test runs cuts down the time
- Sauceconnect is great to quickly access internal environments
- Virtual devices are not up to date, [especially] Samsung and android devices
- No recording of test runs on real devices
- Slow response times
- Impossible or hard to test on different browsers in devices (virtual and real)
- It has increased our device test coverage by 200%
- The plans are quite expensive
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