Sauce Labs is pretty nice
April 30, 2021

Sauce Labs is pretty nice

John Sembrano | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • Sauce Labs Real Device Cloud
  • Sauce Labs Core Platform

Overall Satisfaction with Sauce Labs

  1. We use Sauce Labs to run our automated regression testing for our different web apps over different browser, device[,] and OS versions (Virtual)
  2. Manual testers use Sauce Labs to test on real mobile devices using real device cloud
  3. Currently only being used by our department, plans for future rollout to the rest of the organisation is being discussed
  4. This addresses browser and device compatibility as before this, we were only using Chrome to test.


  • Recording of test runs (virtual only)
  • Parallel test runs cuts down the time
  • Sauceconnect is great to quickly access internal environments


  • Virtual devices are not up to date, [especially] Samsung and android devices
  • No recording of test runs on real devices
  • Slow response times
  • Impossible or hard to test on different browsers in devices (virtual and real)
  • It has increased our device test coverage by 200%
  • The plans are quite expensive
If you currently have existing or planned to have appium tests, that Saucelabs is well suited as their real devices automation is unlimited. For us, we have not made the jump to appium yet as there is no functionality to record test[s], as stakeholders want evidence of test being run, so we have had to stay Selenium to be able to record test runs on virtual devices.


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