NetApp's Cloud Volumes ONTAP combines data control with enterprise-class storage features for various use cases, including file shares and block-level storage serving NAS and SAN protocols (NFS, SMB / CIFS, and iSCSI), Disaster Recovery (DR), Backup and Archive, DevOps, Databases (SQL, Oracle, NoSQL), or any other enterprise workload.
Score 7.7 out of 10
OneDrive from Microsoft is a cloud storage and file syncing service.
per month
NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP
Editions & Modules
Bring Your Own License (BYOL)
Purchased from NetApp
OneDrive for Business Plan 1
Per Month (Annual Commitment)
Microsoft 365 Business Basic
Per Month (Annual Commitment)
OneDrive for Business Plan 2
Per Month (Annual Commitment)
Microsoft 365 Business Standard
Per Month (Annual Commitment)
Pricing Offerings
NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP
Free Trial
Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup Fee
No setup fee
No setup fee
Additional Details
Visit for the pricing breakdown.
OneDrive can be purchased as a standalone tool, or as part of a Microsoft 365's business suite.
NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP was well suited to begin our journey to cloud storage as a service. The ease and intuitiveness of the product to enable our administrators to design, configure, and deploy the storage in a hybrid cloud environment was instrumental to the success and the early adoption of the service.
I'll start with what I would not use OneDrive for! I would not use it as a primary source for code repository, there are other more robust tools out there that can help you with storing and making available code repos. Where I would use OneDrive is in a platform for managing files, and with that I mean any file that can be saved offline and access a OneDrive access point, share, or mount. This could be personal, business, or data from a system that is saved in a standard file format. The OneDrive platform is great for documents collaboration as well, with the ability to allow for share and links to be provided to for easy access and collaboration. I would also recommend if you are someone who likes to use cloud services and rely less and less on offline storage. OneDrive excels in this area!
I wish OneDrive would allow you to sync multiple personal/individual accounts to your computer. At this time, you can only sync one account at a time. That means that my personal OneDrive and individual corporate OneDrive can't be synced to my computer at the same time.
OneDrive has a file size limitation of 15 GB. I know that that is a very large amount, but I have several files that are larger than 15 GB that I wish I could get to sync. I'm hoping that file size limitation changes in the future.
Due to its tight integration into the Microsoft ecosystem and its bundling into the Office 365 service, continued use of the product is all but guaranteed. Unless there's a shift away from Microsoft, I can see no competing product offering the same ease of use and integrations taking the place of OneDrive
Using OneDrive is very intuitive and has been improved over the years. It's just like using native file management on either your Mac or PC. It's drag and drop functionality is easy and it clearly shows when files are uploaded to the cloud or if there are errors
It has a good performance, the pages load normally, access to the files, management, reports, everything is working well. With regard to integration with other systems, we have not done so yet.
We utilized NetApp remote Professional Services to assist in our deployment and also engaged support since the deployment for assistance regarding some networking concerns. NetApp support was surprisingly quick to reply and very proactive in resolving our concerns much quicker than other support personnel from many of our other vendors we use. No complaints about NetApp support at this time.
It's a Microsoft product so there is a wealth of information online both from Microsoft directly and from millions of users but as a corporate user we also have access to direct Microsoft support through a variety of avenues (phone, email, etc.). This makes finding answers to issues more accessible, however, it does also mean that any new feature requests will get buried.
ScienceLogic SL1 and SolarWinds Storage Resource Monitor (SRM) were the closest competitors to meeting our business objectives. Tivoli Storage Manager was not able to meet the initial requirements. There was a significant overlap of capabilities between ScienceLogic SL1, SolarWinds SRM, and NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP. The latter provided a more positive and cohesive experience for our administrators and executives.
Box is another file-sharing application that is very similar to OneDrive. Box falls short of OneDrive in its syncing capabilities. OneDrive is very quick with syncing so you never have to be concerned that you are not using the most up-to-date materials. Box was always a bit delayed and did not always accurately sync across systems. OneDrive benefits from being backed by Microsoft, so you expect the connection across applications that it allows. OneDrive also provides consistency for use and intuitive understanding because of that Microsoft consistency. I'd prefer OneDrive over Box.
OneDrive allows us to save much time on creating and archiving backup copies of our data. Microsoft gives a guarantee on the possibility of recovery of files or folders even from 30 days ago. It provides a great comfort of work.