WatchGuard EPDR (formerly Panda Adaptive Defense 360) combines next-generation antivirus protection, endpoint detection and response (EDR), patch management, content filtering, email security, full disk encryption, and more, into one package. The platform touts a unique zero-trust security service that certifies the legitimacy and safety of all running applications thanks to a combination of automated, AI-driven processes and investigation services provided by a team of malware analysts.
Webroot Antivirus + Internet Security Complete (SecureAnywhere)
Score 8.8 out of 10
Webroot Security Complete (formerly under the brand name SecureAnywhere) is a suite of antivirus, multi-endpoint security and Internet security solutions available for home offices, and possibly small businesses with limited security needs.
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Watchguard Endpoint Security
Webroot Antivirus + Internet Security Complete (SecureAnywhere)
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Watchguard Endpoint Security
Webroot Antivirus + Internet Security Complete (SecureAnywhere)
Adaptive Defense 360 has a much better managing portal where you more easily can switch between your tenants. Also easier to manage the computers and set up group policy. Adaptive Defense 360 also has a way better system with the whitelist where nothing gets through without …
Adaptive Defense 360 has a better management console than any of these 3 competitors. Adaptive Defense 360 has a better back-end tech support team than McAfee and SentinelOne. Adaptive Defense 360 has pretty solid reporting, way better than Webroot. Adaptive Defense 360 was …
Webroot Antivirus + Internet Security Complete (SecureAnywhere)
Likelihood to Recommend
WatchGuard Technologies
We offer Watchguard Endpoint Security as a low cost alternative to Sophos Endpoint. As such, I would recommend this product to anyone with a customer with that same sort of mindset. It would also be appropriate for customers with a more 'basic' environment as configuring profiles is far less in depth compared to Sophos.
Webroot can be great if you have many employees using computers. Sensitive business information can be accessed by malicious threats online if your employees are not trained to avoid these problems. In this case, I think it's important to have software to protect you. If working with a smaller team (and not doing any sort of video production or other intensive software/applications) I can't see a need for anything like Webroot. Learning how to use the internet safely and protecting your file storage are things to be done on the cheap and with smarts.
Webroot provides a very easy to use web interface with GSM. From a single dashboard we can control all of our endpoints that are currently using Webroot services. This is extremely helpful for central management for my engineers.
Webroot's new (2.0) plugin for Automate (formerly LabTech) provides us with integration into our RMM platform that allows for a large majority of the daily operational tasks to be completed without ever having to move to a different application and/or the web dashboard. The integration is key for engineers to make changes on the fly and quickly. They have done a good job with the 2.0 plugin after coming from the 1st iteration.
Webroot interface on the machines is a simple and easy UI to follow and understand. Seeing what the product is doing and how it is configured is very straightforward and doesn't require much hunting with the local interface on machines.
It would be nice if there was a notification when Webroot blocked something. Power users may need to legitimately edit things like their hosts file, but they dont know Webroot is preventing them from doing so. They could easily temporarily disable it to do what they need to do if they were aware. Same thing goes for files that get quarantined without notice, it leaves the user wondering why their legitimate file keeps disappearing.
While the web based console is nice and easy to use, it could use a little better reporting.
If an administrator disabled a feature (like the firewall, for example) then the Webroot GUI should not alert the end user about whenever they open it. The software should be aware it is being administratively controlled.
The ease of use, pricing, support, reliability, and quality of the product. Panda / WatchGuard products are highly rated, priced right and easy to maintain. All of this make it very easy to renew and purchase new licenses for us and our clients.
It's easy to renew with Webroot, their support is very attentive and highly available. However if you do choose to change products, they even provide means of removing the software from your endpoints via the admin portal which is very convenient.
Easy and intuitive MSP management portal to manage all of your clients from a single pane of glass. Policies can be pushed down globally or individually based on needs. The client portal allows access to their tenant information and installs only which is nice if you are working with clients who might have an internal person or an IT team that also wants access to things to manage themself.
The software is 100% managed on a cloud platform that can be managed via an account even if they are not present within the company network where the software is installed, I even always opened the control panel on the browser of my smartphone to monitor the situation.I have never experienced any abnormal software crashes
The only annoyance I complain, if we want to be picky, is the fact of the constant disconnections from the control panel.Every about 4 hours the account logs out even if I set the "remember this device" flag; having said that I have not noticed neither slowdowns nor conflicts with other software
I gave it a 10 because I compare it to air conditioning. I need it to work every day, 24/7. I need it to be reliable and not something that requires a ton of interaction from staff to make sure it works every day. In addition, I should be able to run other things at my house when the AC is on. Panda fits that description.
We have not had to use Webroot support much over the years. The one or two times we did we were referred to online documentation and in a somewhat condescending manner in one case and in another case, the support person did not demonstrate much knowledge of their product and referred us to the user community for support.
The software goes manually on a PC only on the company network and then proceeds through that PC to install the software on all the other clients through the control panel where all the clients / servers on the network are detected with extreme speed and ease of execution, even for uninstallation and remote control over scans
Very similar. I feel like Watchguard need to get a better foothold with people trusting the name in the endpoint space. It has pretty much everything S 1 does but it also provides so much more. Simple things like patch management and encryption are fantastic adding that deliver true security value
As previously mentioned, Webroot is struggling to compete. Specifically, it is struggling to show value when similar products are catching more and offer more complete packages for remediation as well. We have discontinued the use of Webroot in favor of offering more advanced protection tools by default to our contracted clients.
With the implementation of watchguard (at the beginning Panda Endpoint, but it is the same) I was able to insert in the control panel all the unauthorized software previously installed by colleagues without any authorization from the various department heads.Now any licensed software goes into lockdown and can be unlocked from the control panel
Ease of implementation across various devices is easy and efficient regardless of scale. Whether it is 5 devices or 500 the product continually proves its the best in its class.
It has allowed me to add clients without increasing IT staffing
Its price point is very competitive for my company and my client's companies
Its ability to prevent ALL successful attacks on my company and that of my clients over the last 23+ years has immeasurable value in both confidence and dollars
It has had a mostly positive impact as we have not had any breaches.
The only negative impact has been when Webroot Antivirus + Internet Security Complete (SecureAnywhere) changed something on their end that caused one of our business applications to not be usable by end-users. That cost our business a fair amount as it took 4 days before it could be used again.