ActivTrak Easily Reduces Costs
Overall Satisfaction with ActivTrak
We use ActivTrak to measure employee productivity for our clients. Our clients have used it to successfully prove that their employees were more productive when working from home, especially during the pandemic. This has allowed our clients in some cases to decide to permanently allow work from home, saving money on rental costs and office costs.
- Categorizing employee habits and tasks as productive or un-productive
- Screenshots to verify productivity
- Redaction of PII in screenshots
- Comparing productivity of multiple employees for motivation or review purposes
- Some employers are reluctant to use ActivTrak as it could be viewed as a legal gray area or invasion of privacy
- Some employers do not see the benefit for the cost
- We have had clients demonstrate that across the board, employees were more productive when working from home
- Working from home is an important perk for employees
- Work from home employment allows companies to save costs by reducing rent and utility costs
- Work from home employment allows companies to save costs by hiring the best person for the job, even if they are out of your geographic region
- Work from home employment allows companies to save costs by hiring people in different time zones to work different times of day
- Work from home employment allows companies to save costs by hiring employees in areas where average pay is less than may exist in the employer's region, such as hiring a rural employee when the business is based in a big city
- Screenshot capability
- Analytics
- It is fun to categorize websites and apps
Our clients using ActivTrak have proved that on average, each employee has close to 45 more productive minutes per day when working from home as opposed to working in the office, and even the employees who have the least productivity gain have on average 15 minutes more productive time per day when working from home. That adds up to close to 200 more productive hours per employee per year when working from home than from the office. In short you save money in the long run by having happier, more productive employees at the same cost, and you save money by reducing costs for rent and utilities.
ActivTrak allows us to see when team members are most productive and least productive and that helps us plan our days in terms of handling customer volume. We can also see when employees are taking breaks. We can also sometimes deduce when an employee is unhappy or unsatisfied and may be thinking about leaving.
We selected ActivTrak for ease of use, cost, features and privacy. There is no keylogging in ActivTrak, which can be a violation of HIPAA. Our clients appreciate that ActivTrak tracks employee behavior without outright spying on employees.
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