Apple Remote Desktop will help you take control of your Mac users.
May 04, 2016

Apple Remote Desktop will help you take control of your Mac users.

Tim Twiss | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Apple Remote Desktop

Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) is utilized by members of the information technology department to provide support for the Mac OS computers in our network environment. It is utilized primarily to provide instant remote support for end users whether they were in the same office or located in another city. We also rely heavily on ARD to provide detailed software and hardware reports on the clients running the software. It also works well to centrally manage the distribution of new software. Essentially, it allows the IT department to provide a much higher level of support while increasing efficiency and productivity.


  • Remote System Control. Quickly resolve a problem while continuing to work on multiple tasks from your own PC. This allows for less downtime/frustration on the end user and more efficient productivity from the technician.
  • Hardware and Software Reports. This allows the technician to quickly spot a hardware deficiency (perhaps not enough RAM) or software incompatibility (not running the latest version) without having to bother the end user for this diagnostic information.
  • Software Distribution. Used in tandem with the Software Reports, if an issue is found in a report, the Software Distribution will allow the technician to push the necessary software to the users PC.


  • Speed. Apple Remote Desktop still appears to be slower when compared to Windows Remote Desktop
  • Cost. The $79.99 price tag seems rather high. Windows Remote Desktop, although not as feature rich, is included with the operating system.
  • Drag and Drop. While functioning, it can be clunky and difficult to use.
  • Increases IT support productivity.
  • Reduces user downtime.
  • Improves IT hardware asset tracking.
This is mainly a professional tool, I don't see a need for it in a household environment. I would highly recommend it for any information technology professionals that support any Apple OS devices. Although I feel the $79.99 price tag is a bit high for the software, when used heavily, it is definitely worth the investment.

Apple Remote Desktop Feature Ratings

Screen sharing
File transfer
Instant message
Secure remote access with Smart Card authentication
Not Rated
Over-the-Internet remote session
Initiate remote control from mobile
Not Rated
Remote management of servers & workstations
Centralized management dashboard
Not Rated
Not Rated


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