Bloomfire simplifies company-wide information sharing.
September 07, 2020

Bloomfire simplifies company-wide information sharing.

Josh kimball | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Bloomfire

We use Bloomfire mainly in our customer service center. Although all company employees have access to it. It is used as a single location to contain the knowledge of our policies, standards of operations, updates, and much much more.


  • Provides a single location to search for information to assist in our jobs. No more searching many places to find information. It's like Google for a single business.
  • Provides a place to have questions answered concerning our business.
  • Stores all of our virtual catalogs so we can see the information our customers see in their physical catalogs. Much easier than having stacks of physical catalogs.


  • Can be a little tricky to locate specific information when searching as the search function is a bit loose. It will bring up everything remotely related to the search.
  • Saves time looking for information.
  • Allows easy sharing of information between all departments worldwide in one location.
Bloomfire is a lot easier to use, It is more user friendly. The information is easier to locate with Bloomfire. MS SharePoint is a lot harder to navigate and does not do well at allowing all users to share information easily as Bloomfire does. Bloomfire categorizes the information in a much easier to find and use way and the search function is far superior in Bloomfire.
I have had no issues with support. When speaking to the individuals who set up the program and keep it operating, they have had great things to say about the level of support.

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Bloomfire is like a combination of Google and Wikipedia that is centered on a single business. It is very well suited to find information about anything to do with our business. If the information is not already there, a user can add it themselves or ask questions that can be answered by any other user. Moderators ensure ALL information is correct. It is not a place to look for anything not directly related to our business,


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