Vital tool to manage tasks and team - couldn't have run our company without it
July 27, 2022
Vital tool to manage tasks and team - couldn't have run our company without it

Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with ClickUp
We use ClickUp to keep track of all the tasks and time spent on them. We have a space for management only to keep track of internal tasks per list (HR, accounting, sales) and a space for the whole team with a folder per client. Each folder contains multiple lists based on the project scope for that client (email marketing, social media, paid ads,...). As a project manager, I usually put the tasks in the Board view, while the team members usually look at the List view, filtered on their names to see their assigned tasks.
- Time tracking per task
- Seeing who's responsible for what and the due date
- Ways to organize tasks and keep things clean
- Easy to understand for the straightforward functions
- Automating tasks moving along in the pipeline
- The view in time reporting (time per list) doesn't let you see which tasks it was that you spent time on
- It makes it so simple to keep track of tasks and if team members are hitting their deadlines
- The automation to move tasks up from status to status makes it really easy for the team to understand the workflow
- Never miss out on a deadline or forget about a task again - just put it in ClickUp
I can't imagine how it would have looked like to work together with a team of 5 without ClickUp. We set it up when it was just 2 of us and made sure we knew how to use it properly by the time we hired 3 more people. ClickUp was crucial in our daily operations, with the whole team's workload being fully decided by putting tasks in ClickUp and assigning it to the right team member (or have the automation assign them). We are thinking of getting the client involved in ClickUp as well but haven't done that yet.
We have used ClickUp to automate workflows (assign team members and give new deadlines). For example, to make a newsletter, it would be assigned to our copywriter, who would then move it to the next status once done, which would assign it automatically to the manager to check it. From there it would get reassigned to our graphic designer, etc, etc. It has helped us visualize our workflows more clearly and make sure the team members knew when they had a task.
We selected ClickUp based on the price-features ratio. I had worked earlier with Trello and Basecamp, and I like how ClickUp has more features. I have never worked with Asana and which seemed to us like they might be closer to ClickUp with regards to features, but ClickUp was better priced which made us decide to try it out.
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Using ClickUp
5 - 2 project managers and 3 operational people (graphic designer, marketing assistant, paid ads specialist)
2 - We as project managers also make sure our ClickUp remains clean, we use the right features, checking the reporting etc.
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